The Witness Files
The Witness Files
| 27 September 1999 (USA)
The Witness Files Trailers

A former actress, unjustly sent to prison eight years earlier, is forced to testify against a mafia hit man.


Writer Cameron Kent has some good ideas but fails to make them gel in a script full of plot holes and improbable situations. The cast headed by Yancy Butler as target Sandy Dickinson do the best they can with what is given them. Perhaps the stand out performance is by Barry Flatman as archfiend Frank Sutton hiding behind the law for his nefarious schemes of self-aggrandizement, but no one is less than adequate for this suspense thriller.Sandy Dickinson is in prison for murdering her abusive husband to protect herself and her son, Justin (Matthew Harbour). Surprisingly, the man who prosecuted her on involuntary manslaughter charges, Frank Sutton, obtains a parole for her after she agrees to falsely testify for him against a mob leader. Unbeknownth to Sandy, Frank keeps witness files, hence the apropos title, on key witnesses who somehow end up dead. Sandy becomes a target for Frank's hit men but successfully eludes them by her own machinations and talents as a make-up artist. She is aided by a police detective, Dennis McCoy (David Nerman), and her friends from prison and elsewhere. That Sandy and Dennis fall in love doesn't prevent Sandy from using Dennis to deal effectively with Frank to get rid of him for good. How she does this is much too contrived but still entertaining.A bonus is the haunting music of Canadian artist Christopher Dedrick, particularly the closing theme.

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Just saw this movie and Had to comment ! Mainly cause it was at this time rated 3.6 !! Thats way too low for this kinda above average story and acting ! The Plot is Good and acting is above average of all concerned ! There's enough action to make it interesting and where does it say that a movie must have action from a to z ?? Not all can be as Lethal Weapon !

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In this suspense thriller, the plot thickens as Yancy Butler, who plays the convicted and now released on parole Sandy Dickenson, turns the tables on the crooked prosecutor Frank Sutton- that prosecuted Sandy Dickenson's case for the involuntary manslaughter of her husband. Sutton is in favor of her parole, admitting that Dickenson did kill her abusive husband in self defense. But she must do something for him in return - testify against a mafia king pin.As it turns out, Sutton uses the "witness files" to prosecute his tough cases as a way to secure witnesses. Then he murders them. In finding this out, Sandy turns the game on Sutton, leading to his arrest and conviction for her murder. The storyline is very creative and unique- there are no dull moments in this thriller. Butler lands a A+ performance in this suspense laden movie.A must see for all Yancy Butler fans!

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Great twist on the "corrupt prosecutor gets his just-due" genre. Yancy Butler plays Sandy Dickenson, a wrongly convicted mother - released from prison by corrupt prosecutor Frank Sutton(running for higher office) played by Barry Flatman, who extorts her into giving false testimony to convict a crime lord to bolster his political standing aided by a gullible police detective David McCoy, played well by David Nerman, who Sandy seduces and manipulates into pursuing prosecutor Sutton....and with the help of Sandy's prison acquaintance con-family Sandy pulls off the ultimate "con". The pace & film-making qualities of this movie are impressive, as is the editing. The best part is Yancy Butler's star-turn performance - her best to date.

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