The War Within
The War Within
| 30 September 2005 (USA)
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A Pakistani involved in a planned attack in New York City experiences a crisis of conscience.


"The War Within" (2005) is "The Battle of Algiers" (1965) for our time. Like that earlier masterwork of political film making, this movie is surely being viewed in the classrooms of our military's war colleges... for all the wrong reasons.In this low budget movie, the neophyte film makers have presented a story that has no wasted moves. It is at once as exquisitely well crafted - and as accessible - as a Robert Frost poem.Aside from those who harbor their own fundamentalist racist ideology - that might think the only good Muslim is a dead one - those who have criticized this movie generally fall into two categories: people who can't appreciate anything shorter in exposition than a 24 hour miniseries; and people without imagination, who require - or desire - lengthy, explicit depictions of torture, like that of "The Passion of Christ" (2004), in order for them to grasp how years of such abuse might affect a person's psyche.Buy this movie! Show it to those you know, who are yet unable to understand that torture is immoral, and an unacceptable policy. Perhaps, in viewing this, they may at least come to a realization that the disappearing of people, and the torture of "suspects" is an ignorant, stupid and counterproductive policy - that is, assuming your government's intent is to reduce terrorism, rather than cultivate it.

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I always love reading reviews of anti-American movies by anti-American Americans who will almost always claim a movie is "brillaint" and "needs to be seen" just as long as the story has a string of anti-Americanism in it.America is bad! Bush is evil! The world would be a better place without America in it! The only thing missing from "The War Within"? Poor Muslim children being beaten with clubs by Evil American CIA agents. What, don't you know? All CIA agents are eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil. Why, if it wasn't for America and the CIA, the world would be one big happy village! A regular campfire where we could all roast marshmellows and whatnot.Remember, kids, Muslims Good, Americans Bad! CIA Evil! Bush dumb! Brilliant!

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This movie was scary and amazing. It made me realize that we are all immigrants in this beautiful country. And it made me proud to be an American. The Pakistani-American family in this movie are so beautiful. They looked beautiful and they made me feel like they could have been my own family. It made me wonder about my own friends. I can't comment on the politics. Some days I feel like I know exactly what my president is saying and I believe him. Some days I feel like I want to kick him. But whatever the truth is, as far as the politics goes, the bottom line is this movie showed the destruction of a beautiful family for no fault of theirs. And that was so compelling to watch. I highly recommend this movie for all Americans. It will make you remember that ALL our parents came over here to find something better for them and theirs.

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THE WAR WITHIN is a chilling and frightening tale of a Pakistani family torn between the "American dream" and the love and affection for a family member whose religious zeal and goal to destroy America will tear them apart. Joseph Castelo has directed and written a very important film which hopefully will receive a wide audience to educate Americans of the problems we live with today in a "post 9/11/01 United States of America".The film is a contrast between the world of terrorism, and the warmth of a family who attempt to make Hassan feel at home back in America, and to show him what this country has given them, and what America might also do for him, without giving up their Pakistani heritage, but wanting Hassan to adapt and fit in as they have done. And to live a happy and productive life.The final scenes are so dramatic and full of suspense and dread as you hope for a "Hollywood ending", only to find that Hassan's personal WAR WITHIN will lead to something else.America has always been a melting pot and a symbol of hope for those coming to our shores, THE WAR WITHIN is a wonderful example to show an audience that we must still look at diversity as a blessing for America, and not a curse. Thank you Joseph Castelo and Ayad Akhtar for this film.

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