The Truth About Average Guys
The Truth About Average Guys
PG | 09 November 2009 (USA)
The Truth About Average Guys Trailers

An insecure man has his dimwitted actor friend pose as his mentally challenged brother in order to get to know a beautiful co-worker who has a mentally challenged sister.


So, it took three attempts to try and make this film. Why does it look so amateurish? The framing of the shots is terrible, awful lighting, cheap audio cuts, and poor acting. I guess the acting is excusable, since indie flicks using local talent aren't known for their breakout performances.I don't know why people like this movie though. I laughed only once, really. The whole mentally-challenged angle was old as soon as it was introduced. The writing stalls often. You can't just coast on a few good lines for an entire movie. Also, the main dude is such a whiny bitch, seriously. Girls *hate* insecure, non-confident dudes. They should have never gotten together in the first place. A for effort to actually get the movie written and filmed and edited and sent out. Great, phenomenal. But the actual movie itself really isn't a super strong debut.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

For a non-major Hollywood production, then "The Truth About Average Guys" actually came off as a rather good movie.The story told in the movie is fairly straight forward, though at times it is a tad over the top. But all together it works well enough. The characters are well-played and work well enough, though at times it is a bit tedious. There were some funny moments throughout the movie, and the story did progress at a fairly steady pace.As for the cast in "The Truth About Average Guys", then people did a good job. The movie was carried by Ken Gayton (playing Jason Lewis) and Erika Walter (playing Katie Banks). The funny guy in the movie made it all worthwhile, Jason Schaver (playing Troy)."The Truth About Average Guys" is great for a single viewing, at least for me. This is not a movie that I will be returning to for a second watching though. The movie could have been much more with bigger funding, but hats off to the movie guys for managing to put this movie together with such a good outcome.

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I don't know where all this reviews come from, just watched this movie and must say: One of the worst movies ever!Don't get me wrong, its a nice movie, and the actors really try and Erika Walter is gorgeous, but the script, the lighting, the colors, the choreography, cutting, dramaturgy, casting, production design, closing credits, even the graphic design for the film poster, everything seems more like a high school project.If i would not have read all the positive reviews and was curious what might happen to get them, i would have stopped watching the move after 20min...But: Nice Idea, and with some tweaking the script could become a nice one for a good movie...Maybe this movie is genius and i simply don't get it, but until this is proved i have to stick to the above written!No hard feelings, i love you guys!

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This clever comedy is "Sexual Perversity in Chicago" for the millennial set. Like that predecessor, it features raw dialogue about men and women and love and sex, with a challenging modern romance at its core.During the all-guy scenes I felt like someone stumbling upon a secret primitive culture in their native habitat...a place far, far away from the female sphere where its natives try to figure out how to conquer that mysterious land. It's been done before but this film gave its male characters more freedom and more moments dedicated to their unfiltered, atavistic riffs.There's much humor in how these "average guys" attempt to figure out how the navigate the land of Hot Chicks (a female sub-culture that is hilariously skewered in a memorable scene).The story nicely balances the central romantic relationship with relationships among family and friends to provide a deeper well for drawing fresh laughs. It's fun and funny and kept me engaged. There are elements that overly sensitive people may find politically incorrect, but for me they enhance the unflinching, unprocessed style of humor that I like and that this film delivers in abundance.

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