The Trojan Women
The Trojan Women
PG | 26 September 1971 (USA)
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In the aftermath of the Trojan Wars, Queen Hecuba takes stock of the defeated kingdom. Her son has been killed, and his widow, Andromache, is left to raise their son, Astyanax, alone. Hecuba's daughter, Cassandra, fears being enslaved by her Greek masters, while Helen of Troy risks being executed. Astyanax also becomes the focus of the Greeks' attention as the last male heir of the Trojan royal family.

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If you have any interest whatsoever in Greek tragedy, this is a film not to miss. It's done in English (an Edith Hamilton translation), beautifully filmed and it has four major actresses in the principal roles: Katherine Hepburn as Hecuba, the widow of Priam, Troy's king, Vanessa Redgrave as Andromache, Hector's widow, Genevieve Bujold as Cassandra and Irene Papas as Helen, whose decision to leave King Menelaus for the visiting Paris precipitates the war. Hepburn has the dominant role and is always in the foreground or the background, but each of the other stars has a moment when she is at the center, and each of them acquits herself in great style. There's also a Greek chorus of women, each striking in appearance. Given the color of their eyes and the differences in their complexions, the members of the chorus are by no means all Greek unless pale skin and blue, green or hazel eyes has become an ethnic characteristic of Greeks when I wasn't looking. Papas, of course, is a classic Greek beauty, and she isn't pale skinned or blue eyed. Hepburn, Redgrave and Bujold don't look very Greek either. But when it comes to the classics, who cares? The dialog is mainly declamatory, as is the case with most Greek tragedies that I've seen, and the action is sparse. But Euripides was a great dramatist and the emotions run both high and deep. Hecuba has lost her husband and all her children except Cassandra who is mad and about to be taken as a slave. Andromache has lost her husband and is about to have her son taken from her and killed before she is forced into slavery. And, the beautiful, seductive Helen, hated by all the Trojan women, is trying to persuade Menelaus that "Aphrodite made me do it"while Hecuba urges him to kill her. Michael Cacoyannis (the way it's spelled on the DVD, though not on IMDb) directs the movie efficiently. Greek drama isn't very fashionable these days but The Trojan Women is a good introduction to a great body of work.

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I was is movie when I was a Junior in College. It was 1971.This was, without a doubt, the worst movie I ever sat through. The advertising for it was the only thing that was good.I thought that with a wonderful cast you can only get a wonderful movie but I was really wrong and very disappointed. The acting was horrific and there was little or no direction.In one very long speech over the body of her dead grandson, Hepburn tried but all we could look at was the dead body breathing all through the speech. Hepburn was trying to make us cry and the audience was laughing.Rent this one - if you can find it - and if you have nothing better to do with two hours of your life.People booed the screen. People walked out and many of us warned those in line for the next showing not to go in.It was a complete waste of time and a $1.50

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...but it was pretty bad. Anyone who isn't a die-hard fan of the classics will have some trouble enjoying this film.First of all, there isn't much of a story. The women just sort of wander around on the same beach the entire time, with different characters appearing, speaking their piece, and then leaving.Also, Hepburn is her traditionally awful self, insulting the audience and anyone else who was considered to play the role with her ridiculous over-acting. Her screaming about Troy wore thin about 90 seconds into it, but it unfortunately went on much longer than that.Everyone else tries their respective bests, or at least something close to it, and the viewer leaves feeling only significantly disappointed, instead of heavily depressed.Avoid this one like the Trojan Horse.

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Just a note to echo another's comments about the fine performance of that excellent, if underrated, character actor Brian Blessed. His performance of the messenger Tathybius is sensitive and powerful. From significant featured roles, such as the emperor Augustus in the TV series, "I, Claudius," to minor but essential roles such as Kenneth Branagh's invaluable sidekick in "Henry V," Blessed has been a tower of strength in setting after setting.

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