The Third Miracle
The Third Miracle
| 13 September 1999 (USA)
The Third Miracle Trailers

The Vatican sends a priest to verify some miracles, performed by a woman who has been nominated for sainthood...


See Peter Heeling's comment Aug 2003 and you will find some brevity that lends great commentary and thought regarding this fine movie. I liked your comment immensely Mr. Heeling. Now, of course it doesn't cover everything without rendering the movie away. Sometimes we find a really good movie that is entertaining, thought provoking, and a work that sets up some serious adversaries played by actors with superior talent. As a great fan of Ed Harris' and Armin Mueller-Stahls, what more can one ask for. The Brilliant yet confused American Priest Postulate vs the just as confused yet in a different way, the haughty German Bishop played to the hilt perfectly by Mueller-Stahl. We just love it when he displays his "I got you last" comments on Priest/Postulate Ed Harris who is just as tenacious, maybe even more so. Harris is backed up by his corner man,his Bishop played by Ed Haid who really almost steals the entire show. You must see these guys at work with the wonderful bantering, the fight for the win. The cigar smoking, whiskey drinking Bishop Cahill played by Charles Haid just cracks the perfect fire on top of the candle. Yes, this cast is not to be missed within fabulous dialog, encompassing thought provoking plot and themes, voices raised up and miracles, well I wouldn't know about that. Would I? To top it off we get a gander at a terrifically beautiful up and coming actress, Ms, Caterina Scorsone. She is wonderfully messed up in her part, and yes a well done job delivering her roll. One really can not ask for a more enjoyable film. Everything seems to fit and yet the mysteries still remain throughout very nicely. One can not leave out a comment on an absolutely enchanting musical score. While this is a great movie, it certainly would not be as good without the finely tuned musical score that plays throughout. A copy of which, I can not find. Please notify your fellow movie lover and IMDb supporter if you know where I can get a copy of he score. Come to think of it Turner Classic Movies and this fabulous web site IMDb, are definitely two of the finer additions to the digital age and the world at large.

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Being a non-Catholic and an atheist, I was wary of this film. I needn't have been. The church and its trappings are just a backdrop to a powerful and haunting story of human relationships. Although the idea of debunking miracles is an engaging backstory, this film is really character-driven. Ed Harris and Ann Heche are spectacular, and so are many of the supporting cast. The final scene and the enigma of the "third miracle" is just part of what makes this film so special. It's also nice to see that the F/X budget was kept to a minimum although the potential was there to overwhelm the acting. If you need car chases, spinning heads and projectile vomiting, this isn't the film for you. But if you can make do with 3-dimensional characters, lots of tension and an intriguing premise, this film will more than satisfy you. The only caution would be: Catholics beware. The Church comes across as far from infallible.

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I am not well qualified to comment on this movie from any technical or artistic perspective. However, it has now become my favourite movie for one reason. As a man of faith, I have had to endure years of Hollywood trivializing or sensationalizing most aspects of faith and religion. It seems to be the one subject with which they can find no degree of comfort or reconciliation. The Third Miracle, however, is a luminous study in how several characters learn to deal with their own faith, and yet it never tries to advocate any of those as right or wrong. It even avoids trying to be too specific about just how the struggle is resolved for each person. In the end there is a sense that they are all just a little further down the road. And that is, to me, exactly what faith is all about.It wouldn't matter if the "religion" involved were something other than Christian (spedifically Catholic). This could have been a story about Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, or Zoroastrians. Within the context of each religion is the matter of how each believer learns and lives his faith. It is a personal struggle, a mystical relationship that draws each toward his Creator. The events portrayed in the film may seem to some to be fantastic or surreal, but faith is also each of those. Miracles are intended for those who witness them, and they are simply what happens when a higher law than the one we thought immutable comes into play. One can't prove a miracle to another any more than the other can disprove it.The two most interesting characters are those portrayed by Ed Harris and Armin Mueller-Stahl. Each has had profound experiences with both faith and religion, and come to starkly differing conclusions. And yet each man's dedication to his convictions is compelling. Harris' scene in the confessional booth is a heart-wrenching example of how impotent one can feel when in moments of doubt. Mueller-Stahl later gives a chilling demonstration of the intolerance that can arise when one denies the promptings of the spirit: "Caprice of God! I would say it to His face if He were here now!"As for the rest of the movie, I will leave that to those who write in very clever and articulate language about character and plot development, cinematography, and such. I will say that I found no serious flaws in it, from the small amount I have learned of such things from reading many such reviews. I'm not sure why such illusory fare as Pulp Fiction becomes legendary, while a faithful rendering of human realities like The Third Miracle becomes a marginalized curiosity. Do we derive more inspiration from caricatures than from characterizations?

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It was a treat watching this movie, being that I haven't checked out any low-budget or indie films in a long time. This is one of the lesser-known movies that is definitely worth watching. I was curious about it, mostly to see Ed Harris' performance. I've always loved Harris in everything he does, so I knew I could at least look forward to seeing a great actor at work. I have to say, this is one of his best performances. It's subtle and powerful, and he doesn't play his typecasted villainous role. This is a very different role for him, and one to remember. The premise and overall plot is intriguing, and Holland (I'm not gonna even bother spelling out the first name) does a fine job at keeping the suspense. It brings out great morals about Catholic faith, and faith in God just in general. And it proves that even people of priesthood can screw up, falter to temptation, but can still be summoned by God. Harris' character is a washed-up alcoholic, but God still sent him to investigate this alleged saint. Harris was even questioning his own faith, which made it even more interesting. "The Third Miracle" is one of the overlooked films of 1999, and I definitely suggest you give it a viewing. You won't be disappointed.My score: 7 (out of 10)

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