The Suckling
The Suckling
| 24 September 1990 (USA)
The Suckling Trailers

A woman goes to a back alley abortion clinic, only to have her aborted fetus attack her, her boyfriend, and everyone else at the clinic.

Pauline Pantsdown

Today my good friend Lyle Shelton tweeted that "The generation that killed its children by abortion will be killed by them through euthanasia". At first I thought he was just an idiot, but then I realised that he had seen this documentary. He's still an idiot, but this is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen.

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Thanos Milios

Ohhhhh words can describe how i felt when i finally finished watching the movie. It was so bad when i was watching it the environment of the whorehouse made me want to puke. It was an awful try even for a b- movie. There are b-movies underrated as hell like Carnosaur (1993), The Cellar (1989) which is my favorite b-movie people hated those but i loved them much better than this sh*t. And i watched this movie in a boring winter afternoon and it ruined the whole afternoon. Then i fixed it by watching the much better Thinner (1996). Even for a b-movie fan this movie can't be watched i don't know how i managed to watch that crap.

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Like others have stated, in England this went by the far better title of Sewage Baby. That was a better name because it had that certain special ring to it that any lover of eighties creature features would have found simply irresistible, whereas The Suckling, was just kinda dull. A movie about a poor unfairly aborted baby that gets callously flushed and then returns as a hideous slavering mutant slaughtering its way through hookers and lowlifes hellbent on returning to its mother-what the hell could be wrong with that? A lot!!! After a moderately moody opening and what I found to be an impressively gruesome sequence where the Sewage Baby is "born" everything goes downhill fast in a major way. It doesn't work. Nothing does. If you'll forgive my crudeness, watching this is like watching s**t slide down a wall for eighty minutes... It's so boring! Between the ridiculously gaping-jawed monster bursting out of walls and lashing out of toilets, there's a whole lot of nothing going on with only non-likable ugly bickering jerks to look at. I believe that it's the considerable bore factor that kills this movie. You can forgive monstrous acting effects and possibly plot, but to be boring is the very worst thing a film can ever be. Nowadays it's not really known of at all, and that's not a tragedy, trust me-it's a mercy! :::2::: The toilet of doom... I once found a scene in this film so scary, that it actually rendered me afraid to go to the bathroom-yep, I thought the Sewage Baby was gonna leap out of the bog and get me! It was the scene where the black chick gets her head ripped off. When I look at it now it's dumb. You don't see anything, just kind of a tentacle whipping out and you don't even see the head come off, it's just suddenly stuck in there, while the other lady hilariously blurts out her line:"Bertha!" I was only seven at the time by the way, you understand...: The thing being flushed and mutating via handy toxic waste angle is reminiscent of the opening of the 1980 classic Alligator. That was the only part I liked in this whole dang thing. I liked the humorous cliché of a coat hanger being used as an abortion instrument. The outrageous climactic scene where the monster "returns to mummy" is especially laughable. As it stomps up to her and somehow shrinks back into a regular sized baby thing that looks as if it's made out of silly putty, you can actually see the strings! And the final scene of the movie after that is still poor, but also surprisingly grim, with the girl in a rotten loony-bin, being abused by wardens. At least she'll always have her little "Suckling" to protect her! :::3::: It would've turned out awesome if Frank Henenlotter had been at the helm. In his more than capable hands, I'm sure this would have been a "cult classic". I don't like that term, I don't like the word cult-is everyone that loves certain horror movies from various decades-mostly eighties- supposed to wear sinister cloaks and chant and watch them by candlelight or what? Why don't they just call them what they are, POPULAR! But no, because it's horror it's gotta have some stigmatising word attached to it just to smooth everything over for the people who to this day, just don't get it. F*****g stupid label word. I hope nobody ever lumps this effort with Frank's movies. Because although they might be considered of this type of grungy schlocky monster flicks, his films have a grim quality and fruity flair to them, and fairly well-acted colourful characters that compensate well for any perceived poor qualities. Also, not one of his movies could ever be called boring, whereas this film is just a plain and empty joyless waste. Only watch if you wish to see something truly trashy and brainless that may give you one or two cheap laughs purely because it is so bad. It's the celebrated cult horror that never was. As it stank. Just a terrible movie-abort it!

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The Suckling is one of my favourite trashy films for many reasons. For a trashy movie it more than delivers the goods. Scenes such as the topless axe-wielding nurse, the aborted foetus sliding into the sewers and then mutating into a monster - these images will be burnt into my brain forever! Never will you see such images again in a film. The dialogue and acting is terrible but hilarious too. A few quotes: "You wouldn't know bullshit if you were standing under a bull!", "A man comes in to get his penis sucked, and gets shot off instead". The most hilarious scene is when the monster shrinks back down to foetus size - making a "ga-ga" sound - and crawls back into his mothers womb. Priceless! The Suckling is pure trashy entertainment at its best and I would recommend it to all horror b-movie fans. Ignore what everyone else has said - it's not THAT bad. Also - people continually knock the musical score, what's with that?! The opening piano music sounds so dark and haunting and fits a horror theme perfectly. I would even say that it belongs in a better film than this (by that I mean a serious horror film) because it's perfect!

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