The Six Wives of Henry VIII
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
| 01 January 1970 (USA)
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On his deathbed, King Henry VIII recalls how he wooed and wed his six wives - and disposed of five of them - in a bid to secure the succession to the throne with a male heir. Despite his many marriages and the crowded court, Henry remains essentially lonely.


This series - and can you imagine the BBC financing and supporting a nine-hour historical drama series these days? - focuses on one of the six wives each episode, an interesting approach which comes off better in some instalments than others. Still, what is here is excellent - and far better than the ridiculously truncated film which followed a few years later.Keith Michell as Henry. What more can I add to the praise which has already been put forward? He is excellent in every episode; we see Henry as a complex character who at times can cause us to sympathise with his predicament. The writing of this series is tight and believable, and the supporting characters are solid. This always helps move a series along when many supporting players are there throughout. Of particular note are Patrick Troughton as Norfolk, Bernard Hepton as Cranmer, and Sheila Burrell as Lady Rochford.Of the six wives, all are excellent in their own ways. Katherine of Aragon's story is rushed, but Annette Crosbie does her best and is both memorable and pathetic ... Dorothy Tutin as Anne Boleyn is more fiery but the trial scene is truly regal and gives a different perspective ... Anne Stallybrass as Jane Seymour is sweet, pious, and just a little bit cunning (and that episode, largely in flashback as Jane lies sick to death at her son's christening, is well done) ... Elvi Hale as Anne of Cleves is extremely convincing, and her episode is full of intrigue ... Catherine Howard, as played by Angela Pleasance, is all gloss and no substance, but you still feel for her as she goes headlong to her fate without recognition ... and Rosalie Crutchley as Katharine Parr is a dull old crow in black, widow of old men, who at first resents her lot and then comes to respect and love the sick king.This series really is remarkable. I would never get bored watching it - and eventually, it led to another top-class BBC drama, Elizabeth R, using some of the same cast and moving the story through the reigns of Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I herself.

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Having been introduced to the absorbing history surrounding Henry VIII and his ill-fated spouses, I decided to try this 9 hour long mini series. THE SIX WIVEs OF HENRY VIII is actually quite entertaining despite its length. The movie its self is made up of six installments, each dealing with a wife. CATHERINE OF ARAGON: Boring and drawn out, I was not at all impressed by this film. The film follows Catherine through her first marriage to prince Arthur and the struggle she goes through to marry Henry after Arthur's death. After all she goes through, Catherine is forced into a divorce when Anne Boleyn shakes her tail at Henry. Finally, she dies a lonely, saddened old woman. Annette Crosbie plays a rather ludicrous Catherine, complete with phony cries of anguish when Henry divorces her. ANNE BOLEYN:I enjoyed this installment a great deal better than the first. Many knows the story of sexy Anne Boleyn who manages to catch King Henry's eye and persuades him into a divorce, only to be tried and beheaded when she fails to produce a son. Dorthy Tutin makes a rather sensual, but not very attractive Anne. We follow her from her life in the palace all the way up to her execution. The audience does not know how to perceive this queen, as she is a trollop, but also, very sympathetic and innocent of the crimes she is accused of committing.JANE SEYMOUR:While many praise this as the best movie out of the series, I found it to be very trying to sit through. Jane is the perfect wife for Henry, she even manages to produce a son, even though it costs her her life. While I agree it is refreshing to have some outdoor scenes in this film, Anne Stallybrass's insipid performance as "Plain Jane" is extremely dull. There is an overabundance of talk and a lack of action. I also found the symbolic dream sequences to be very out of place and utterly odd.ANNE OF CLEVES:I actually quite enjoyed this section, which is based on the relationship between Henry of England and Anne of Germany. Anne is a German princess whom is engaged to the "handsom and dashing" Henry VIII. She is disappointed to find that Henry is a fat, overbearing, old man; to hide the fact the the queen refuses to let him "touch" her, Henry claims that he is disgusted by her looks. This eventually brings about their divorce a few months later. Elvi Hale shines as the "ugly" princess who's personality would outshine all of Henry's previous wives. It is very relieving to have some comic relief in the series, and this segment provides it (especially the wedding night scene where Henry chases an unwilling Anne about the room).CATHERINE HOWARD:My personal favorite of the series. Catherine Howard tells the story of the beautiful, spoiled, promiscuous cousin of Anne Boleyn, who, with the help of her looks and wiles, becomes queen of England. One begins to hate Cate right from the start of the production; she is sly and mean spirited. After feigning virtue, she is married to Henry, only to break his heart later when her infidelity is proved. She and her lovers are sentenced to death and are beheaded. This installment is slightly similar to the fatal love affair between Lancelot and Guenevere; Angela Pleasence is splendid as the bratty Catherine, perhaps the most extraordinary thing about her performance is the change that she shows. At the beginning, she is childish and cruel, and towards the end, right before her execution, she shows great maturity.CATHERINE PARR:I have little to say about this film as I could barely keep awake during it. I found it to be the worst of the films and it seems to me that it left a lot of loose ends

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This is one of the most popular and best-remembered BBC drama productions of all time. As well as drawing record audiences in the early seventies, it spawned the equally impressive follow-up - Elizabeth R. The Six Wives of Henry VIII is not held in such high regard without good reason. It is perhaps the most historically accurate dramatic account of this period in history we will ever see. As well as its accuracy, the series is remembered for the performances of the actors. Keith Michell shines throughout as King Henry aging from an athletic young prince to a monstrously obese tyrant. All of the actresses deliver sterling performances as the wives. Standouts from the supporting cast include Sheila Burrell as the conniving Lady Rochford, Wolfe Morris as manipulative Thomas Cromwell, Patrick Troughton as the Duke of Norfolk and Bernard Hepton as Archbishop Cranmer, a role he was to reprise in Elizabeth R and the 1973 cinema remake of this series. The costumes and makeup for this series cannot go unmentioned. They are little short of outstanding. One would almost believe Keith Michell was swapped for an older, fatter actor for the latter three episodes and the costumes change throughout, depicting shifts in courtly fashions. CATHERINE OF ARAGON Perhaps the least lavish play in terms of production values, but among the better ones for scripting and acting. It begins, rather ploddingly, by covering Catherine's time in England before her marriage to Henry. When they do wed, the story skips abruptly to Henry's courtship with Anne Boleyn and the divorce of Catherine. Midway through this episode Anne Boleyn is Queen and Catherine is left dying away from court. It closes with her death in 1536.ANNE BOLEYN A somewhat disappointing installment, despite wonderful acting and a sharp script. Anne is without a doubt the most famous wife of Henry VIII and the one who has provoked the most interest from historians, yet much of her life goes untold in this series. The earlier events in her story were rushed through in a handful of scenes in the second half of the Catherine of Aragon episode, and this episode focuses entirely on her downfall. Half of this play is dedicated to the last eighteen days of Anne's life, in the tower. Dorothy Tutin's fine performance brings this play back on par with the better ones in the series though. JANE SEYMOUR Something of an anomaly within this series. It breaks with the continuity of the other five plays by covering events that had already been dealt with in Anne Boleyn's episode. The result is that Anne's execution is depicted twice during the course of the series. It also stands out from the rest in terms of production. The other five episodes are filmed as theatrical pieces whilst Jane Seymour is visibly an example of television drama. It's a shame that perhaps the dullest of Henry's wives gets by far the best treatment in the series. The real mystery of this episode is why the format suddenly changes before reverting back to the old style for the final three installments. ANNE OF CLEVES It was never going to be easy to write a ninety-minute play about a largely unimportant, six-month-long mistake, but everybody involved seems to have made their best efforts here. Anne of Cleves is interpreted as being far more intelligent and witty than she cared to show in the English court and Elvi Hale plays her well. It's very absorbingly written too. CATHERINE HOWARD It's difficult to decide what to make of this episode. The script has Catherine as a match for her ill-fated cousin, Anne Boleyn, with cunning intelligence, when she was, in fact, a frivolous girl who was thrust too high for her own good. It is, nonetheless, a good adaptation of her story and Sheila Burrell is fantastic as Lady Rochford. As with all the other episodes, there is a reluctance to paint Henry in a bad light here and Catherine almost comes out as the villain of the piece.CATHERINE PARR Perhaps the most neglected wife in public interest, Catherine Parr's story is actually full of intrigue. This episode deals with her strong religious views and her enforcement of them which nearly sent her to a grizzly fate. Unlike the others in the series, this play relies heavily on dialogue rather than action and it closes the story well. So the only real failing of the series is not that it is shown in six episodes, but that one episode is dedicated to each wife. The story could have been told more comprehensively if parts 1-3 dealt with Catherine of Aragon's time as Queen, her fall from grace in favour of Anne Boleyn, the divorce, the religious reforms brought about by the King's desire to marry Anne Boleyn and have her children as heirs to the throne, Anne's marriage to the King and her eventual downfall. Jane Seymour would be best dealt with in part 4, Anne of Cleves and Catherine Howard merged together in the fifth part, whilst Catherine Parr and the King's death could be covered in the sixth.This criticism aside, the series has earned every word of praise ever spoken for it. It is one of the best nine hours you can spend watching a television drama, so go out and watch it.

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I first saw this BBC production at 13 in 1971, and was simply fascinated. I have seen it several times since, and it's always fresh and interesting to watch. Keith Mitchell is excellent as Henry VIII, and I found no fault with the acting or history of the series. Well-cast, well-acted. I must say that my favorite episodes were Dorothy Tutin as Anne Boleyn and the very unfortunate young Katherine Howard, played by Angela Pleasence. I was surprised that she is the daughter of of Donald Pleasance. All of the episodes are outstanding, and are educational as well. Keith Mitchell plays Henry the VIII with all the conceited, bombastic, loving, hating and self-indulging qualities that history describes him as having. A must-see for lovers of drama, romance, and English History. 10 out of 10 stars easily.

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