The Return of Ringo
The Return of Ringo
| 02 August 1970 (USA)
The Return of Ringo Trailers

Ringo comes to a Mexican village, searching for his brother from whom he has heard no news. He comes with a sheriff who immediately has work on his hands, as those who get killed are certainly too many.


A campy voice over the beginning scene with Mickey Hargitay, conjures up the feeling of watching a grade-Z, Ed Wood film. Suddenly, there is a head scratching scene of a voodoo doll in Hargitay's hand. Pressing onward, there are plenty of meandering conversations between time filling characters. Random people constantly wander into scenes and get shot or beat up. One the most bizarre aspects of this film is that several characters die by having grand mal style mal seizures!!For pure camp weirdness, there is a "witch" in a cave climax. Trying to get this film in the can ASAP, the two "protagonists" spit out incomprehensible explanations for the bewildering scenes that we have just witnessed. BTW, did the camera man pass out during the extended addendum? When the credits finally roll, there is a super imposed, lighter fluid fire in the foreground!On the plus side, this film features a fiery femme fatale named Pilar (Lucia Bomez). Bomez certainly knows how to light up her scenes. In addition, Felice Di Stefano delivers an excellent score that helps to offset the tedium. All in all, this film is an offbeat curiosity that is fully loaded with guilty pleasure cheese.

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