The Prince Who Was a Thief
The Prince Who Was a Thief
NR | 17 May 1951 (USA)
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An Arabian prince, kidnapped at birth and raised as a thief, plots to regain his throne from his evil uncle in this colorful costume adventure.


Am a huge fan of classic film and 'The Prince Who Was a Thief' interested me. Mainly to see a very young Piper Laurie and Tony Curtis in his tenth film (credited) in just three years, though his first film as the star, and how they would fare individually and as a partnership. Also because the story on paper seemed intriguing if silly.Saw 'The Prince Who Was a Thief' with the mind-set of not expecting a masterpiece and just 90 or so minutes of escapist entertainment without expecting too much or everything to be of superb quality. 'The Prince Who Was a Thief' achieved this goal. It may not blow the mind and it may not be one of Curtis's best films or contain one of his best performances. A lot is done right however and it compels and entertains throughout its length, which didn't feel too long or too short.The story sure is pure nonsense and the silliness occasionally goes overboard, complete with some over-familiarity. The costumes are somewhat unlikely and don't look as appealing, in colour and style, as the rest of the production values.Curtis's accent is a bit of a stretch too.However, he is at his most athletic and is both youthful and charming, clearly having fun with his role. Lovely Piper Laurie matches him in the charm factor and is equally spirited. Their chemistry has a real warmth and playfulness. Everett Sloane in particular has fun as a suitably hissable character of the more than able supporting cast. The script is not one with many surprises, but has wit and lively character. The direction has an efficiency that suits the adventurous element of the story perfectly.It is very difficult to dislike the story completely. For all its ridiculousness and predictability, it is not a dull one and clips along at a breezy pace, with a clear idea at what it was trying to be and appeal to without trying to do more. The characters are archetypes but likeable ones. The action-oriented parts, especially towards the end, excite and the music is rousing. 'The Prince Who Was a Thief', costumes aside, is shot with vibrant colour and the setting exotic-looking if perhaps not evocative.Overall, good fun. 7/10 Bethany Cox

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"The Prince Who Was A Thief" was a good movie---the story was interesting and entertaining. Best part of the movie: Piper Laurie. On a funny side, most of the stars were pretty convincing as Muslims (wink, wink; nudge, nudge). I for one was fooled! That notwithstanding, this movie deserves to be copied onto DVD--far worse movies have made the cut! Tony Curtis played Julna, a prince who was supposed to be killed by a good-hearted guard who balked at the last minute and decided to adopt the child instead. The kid grew up and eventually came under the eye of the evil ruler (boo, hiss). Finally he took his rightful place. If movies like "Arabian Nights" and "The Golden Voyage Of Sinbad" have made it to DVD why not the equally good "The Prince Who Was A Thief"?

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Early in the movie whilst the lovely Piper is in his arms, Tony gracefully utters- "Yonder lies da castle of my fadder da King." Cut him a little slack! At that time he was VERY new to the movies! What better example could there be of starting out 'shaky' and then becoming a film legend? At least in 'Spartacus', when Olivier told Tony that he preferred "Both oysters AND clams", Tony disappeared without a trace, and Olivier just smiled.

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This was made by Universal as part of the grooming process aimed at turning Tony Curtis from contract player into a star ,allowing him to build up an audience over the years.It is just as well he was a busy actor and other product came along to obscure just how very bad this is. Curtis is the eponymous Prince ;earmarked for assassination while still a baby he is spared by the soft hearted would be assassin who raises him as his own son As an adult Curtis becomes involved in a nonsensical plot to recover a priceless pearl and in so doing rescue his native city from attack by heartless enemies.Along the way he falls in love with the scheming princess ,not noticing the vivacious Tina (Piper Laurie )until it is almost too lateInsultingly slipshod in every respect -poor acting ,garish colour ,weak sets etc .This is juvenile and unengaging and wastes everybody's time in watching and the talents of those who made it.

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