The Priest
The Priest
| 04 April 2009 (USA)
The Priest Trailers

Father Alexander is trying to maintain peaceful life for his church amidst the Nazi occupation during WWII.


it is a testimony. honest. cruel. not easy to understand in its deeply roots. it is the story of Orthodox Church, not Russian only, under war and Communism. a touching and powerful fresco about resistance, courage and pain. about conscience 's voice and about the small things who defines yourself in better times. an artistic film who has status of documentary not only for historical accuracy but for the precise portrait of a state of soul in cruel fight against different forms of evil. a film who could be a remember. or a remember. the status is not important. only the message. and the message is about the need to not ignore the scares from the past.

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Bogdan Lupu

I don't understand why any Westerner would give low votes for this film and say it's biased. But i guess Antonio from Ireland is Atheist. The only reality was that the Orthodox Church suffered great persecution by the atheistic regime of Communism, during Lenin or Stalin. Ask any Russian. The films is based on real facts. In Russia, Ukraine, Romania the Orthodox Church was persecuted and suffered murders and genocide. The movie is a part of that reality which affected Russia from 1919 to 1980s. I believe the director created a masterpiece and the rating is not real, reflecting the anti-Orthodox rhetoric of today. The film music is impressive, the dialogue, the landscape. The complex representation of the society between Nazis, ordinary Russians, Orthodox faith and Communists. I don't know why these kind of films which shows the reality of that era are so hated by some people. This film should have taken prizes for the director creativity.

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"The Priest"/Поп joins several recent Russian entries (including "Punishment Batallion"/Штрафбат and two or three of the set-pieces within Sergei Mikhalkov's ponderous "Burnt by the Sun- 2"/ Утомленные солцем- 2) as part of a de facto common effort to rescue post-Soviet cinema from the stereotypes, fables and large-scale falsification that the Soviet movie industry was largely confined to for most of the period covering 1942-91-- and managed to pass along, if only as a mindset, to many in the succeeding Russian industry and general public after the Soviet Union finally went out of business (not a moment too soon).For every rare kernel of truth-- and there were indeed a few in "Ballada of a Soldier"/ Баллада о солдате and "Come and See"/ Иди и смотри, for example-- there were 20 (or 200 or 2000) Big Lie whoppers planted within the waves of propaganda films masquerading as cinema (and not very well) that Soviet audiences were subjected to for half a century. Setting all this aside has not, of course, been easy-- particularly when you have figures like the mayor of Moscow adamantly insisting that Stalin should be honored as part of the nation's celebration of the 65th anniversary of victory in the war. Yikes."The Priest" profits enormously from Sergei Makovetsky in the lead, an actor whose range is among the broadest in the profession (Evgenii Mironov is his principal competition). The film is less plot-driven than episodic-- which is as it should be, since its premise is a plot unto itself: a Russian Orthodox priest functions under German occupation on territory that has changed hands multiple times over a single generation. Whom to serve and how are all the "plot" necessary; and the answers on offer are not pat.Russian viewers have taken home much that is new to them from this film, and non-Russian audiences, even those unfamiliar with the contested history of the region, will likewise find considerable food for thought here. Briefly put, "The Priest" will reward different audiences on many levels, and deserves wide distribution outside (current) Russian borders. Highly recommended.

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After film viewing at a cinema I was overflowed with emotions. All film to me never was to be looked on hours, moreover — I did not want, that it is a fine film came to an end in general because all it — from the beginning and is up to the end thought over very well. All roles, at the highest level are played by talented actors. The scenario is written ideally.The idea of a film is very interesting. The film forces us to think about almost most Insufficiently studied a Great Patriotic War episode. He forces to reflect on those people who stayed under fascist occupation, for those who revived belief of these people in God or gave the chance to people to pray in the temples violently converted in clubs. Certainly, all this revival occurs against German occupation. It is impossible to tell that Germans promoted Orthodoxy revival, it was only the step that in case of successful capture of the earths of our Fatherland to seem to us not invaders, enemies, and deliverers from Bolshevist's the authorities. But, fortunately, at them it it has not turned out. I even think that war has a little helped Orthodoxy revival, but I do not try to protect aggressors at all.I was interested by one of film episodes when in a room where the father sits, the fly flies. As a whole about one half-minute on the screen we observe the world eyes of a fly. I wish to notice that it has not made any influence on a plot, the director has decided to show it simply so, underlining that the nature takes place to be even in such dramatic film. I am not going to spend analogies with any or films, but in November, 2009 I could look absolutely other on a genre a film «Ukroshchenie stroptivykh» where about one minute we saw the world eyes of a bee which too has not brought any contribution to an overall picture, but in particular the director and all its creation has been strongly enough scarified for this episode. Into this account I will tell the following: «the Person wishes to see nonsense of an episode in that film which about any to it was not pleasant to the reasons and consequently criticizes almost any episode of the film which has not pleasant to it».But I will return to this film. Sergey Makovetsky, has served its purpose simply irreproachably, perfectly well, with full self-return. It so has reincarnated in a role of the cleric that if I did not know it as actor earlier, I would think that in a film have invited to act in film the present father. Other actors, which surnames, I think, it is not necessary to sound also were on the ball.Such films as "Pop" are postponed in heart for ever. Having looked such cinema, cinema let out by our Fatherland about ours, the Russian history, it would be desirable to be proud of the Native land even more, than was proud earlier.

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