The Pink Chiquitas
The Pink Chiquitas
PG-13 | 23 January 1987 (USA)
The Pink Chiquitas Trailers

A pink meteor controlled by aliens lands near a small town and turns the local women into nymphos. A deputy sheriff and a local private eye investigate.


I saw this movie years ago in a group tradition of Fast Forward Film Festivals, where we would set out to rent a bunch of B-movies and vote for who picked the worst.The night we watched this, it was voted the best, due to semblance of plot and fun costuming.This is certainly a silly, kitschy, movie, to be watched under the full understanding that you are watching low-budget fluff. Personally, however, I wouldn't recommend additional substances ... this movie will leave it's own mark on you.It made enough of an impression on me that I've actually been trying to get my hands on a copy for a few years.A good choice if you are setting out to watch bad movies. This one is fun, and I remember bouncy music ...

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Sly Stallone is hardly the finest actor in the world but compared to his brother, Frank...well, roll out those awards now! Mullet haired, muppet Frank seems to think that every part he plays, calls for him doing the role as an American/Italian Wise-guy refugee from the 'Godfather.' Please, somebody make him an acting offer 'he can refuse!' This film just stinks the place out, even by the terrible overacting in this, Frank still steals the acting dishonours. All the people compensate for their lack of talent by shouting their lines and throwing their arms about, gesticulating wildly in a style that went out of fashion back with silent films.The plot, what there, is, makes no sense as a meteor lands and turns all the women into sex-crazed nymphets but as this is 15 certificate film, that just means they strip to their underwear and make moaning sounds like dogs on heat. What happens in the end, I'm not quite sure as I was losing the will to live long before the film finished.Avoid this like the plague and watch 'Deep Impact' for a reasonable film about a meteor about to hit the earth.N.B. Point of order: when one of the female leads strips down to her underwear, she has her knickers/panties under her suspenders/garter belt, it's knickers over the suspenders to allow women to go to the toilet with less fuss. A trivial point, perhaps, but shows how dumb this film is when they can't even get this right!

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BAD!VERY BAD!!VERY, VERY BAD!!!VERY, VERY, VERY BAD!!!!If you MUST watch this, load up on alcohol / cannabis / pharmaceuticals (your choice) to the point where operating the remote control to turn it off is harder than continuing to watch it. Be warned - it'll suck you into continuing to watch just to see how much worse it can get; it does get worse - much, much, worse.Production values are non-existent; one character's toupee strongly resembles a road-killed wolverine scraped from a nearby Interstate highway.Costuming came from half-price day at a thrift store, with the exception of those which contributed to a world-wide shortage of pink Spandex that year.As to the script - the less said, the better (the writers should have kept that in mind)!The only conceivable reason to even put this movie into a VCR is to clear out those hangers-on who don't recognize that the party ended an hour ago - within 15 minutes, they'll remember that they have to be elsewhere, and are late getting there!

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To say this film stinks would be insulting to skunks. As the other commenter says, this movie is insulting to anyone over the mental age of 7 (it is especially, incredibly insulting to gays). It is awful - and not in a "so bad it's funny" sort of way either - it's just plain awful. No, I have to say it: IT STINKS! (sorry skunks).From the opening credits to the end titles there is hardly more than 10 seconds of this movie worth opening your eyes for. The "plot" is incoherent, the characterization non-existent, the acting is of the over the top mugging "look at me I'm being funny!" school and so it goes on. The set pieces are clumsily set up (if at all) and are badly executed, it's just awful on every front - apart from the music maybe, I don't remember thinking the music stinks (apart from the songs).To be fair to the makers, they lay their cards on the table pretty quickly: the opening credits include the title "Also starring Ertha Kitt as the voice of Betty the meteor" (since as the meteor in question turns out never never say anything but make an occasional purring noise they may well have lifted Ms. Kitt's contribution from one of her records) and the second line of the movie runs something like: "...and scientists have discovered new facts about the rings around Uranus." Uranus - "Your Anus" geddit? geddit? huh? huh?? Your Anus? The humour really is that cheap.It says strange things about the "comedies" of that period in that it was perfectly permissable for the hero to deliberately shoot people dead in the street but not say "sh*t" out loud.I paid fifty pence (about $1.00) for this movie in a sale. I feel ripped off.

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