The Peanut Butter Solution
The Peanut Butter Solution
PG | 12 September 1986 (USA)
The Peanut Butter Solution Trailers

Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two friendly ghosts. Eleven-year-old Michael loses all of his hair when he gets a fright and uses the potion to get his hair back, but too much peanut butter causes things to get a bit hairy.


I probably saw this film around the age of 6 or 7, thanks to our Canadian station CBC, channel 9 at the time. I still have stills of this film stuck in my head, at 34. The premise of the film is one thing, but the ghostly couple were/are still some of the creepiest people I've ever seen in a "kids" movie. This film deserves a proper DVD/Blu-Ray release in English. I realize it was made for Quebec, but there is a whole group of fans here in the states that want a great DVD release. This film has a very special place in my heart. It was my introduction to Horror films, which it kind of is. "There ain't no second chances..."

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I totally agree that the movie is not a comedy and not for children. I can't think of a darker film.I saw this as a child and have vividly horrible memories of the scene where he gets his wig yanked off in the soccer game. All the imagery taps into a child's deepest fears. Even the gooey quality of the peanut butter itself and spreading it all over your head. And the orphanage / sweatshop where they starve the children. I had nightmares of being trapped in there.It's just so wrong. It would probably seem campy to watch now, but the original impact my psyche is irreversible. It's so funny that literally everyone in the forums had the same experience. I've never seen such unanimity in on IMDb.

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I can not believe how many people suffered from the same experience as me. As I tried to explain the following to friends often, I would get a blank stare in response : "A kid goes into a house for some reason, i think he falls backwards, gets amnesia and loses his hair. He glues a wig on his head, plays soccer, it gets ripped off, he runs home. He tries an experiment, his parents destroy it because it contains like dead flies and he is trying to grow his hair back. Then these ghosts or ancestors of his, -something give him another chance at the recipe and he gets it to work, he looks in a toaster at his reflection and his hair is grows way too fast" BLANK STARES.

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I gave it a 10, but that is because it is utterly cheese-tastic. As a kid, this movie was on the 5 movie loop of videos I rented incessantly. My mom found an old copy at the library, and bought it for me. My husband and I watched it together and I can definitely see why this is the perfect movie for young, impressionable children to watch. I mean, what parent doesn't want their kids to learn about trespassing on condemned property, ghosts, disregarding instruction of adults (albeit ghost adults), grow-it-yourself pubic hair, kidnapping, and unstable, felonious teachers? Oh yeah, and the benefits of an inattentive parent! Actually, this movie is so weird, it is worth watching. Like a Disney movie written by Hunter S. Thompson. Probably a cult classic to many.

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