The Paperboy
The Paperboy
| 16 November 1994 (USA)
The Paperboy Trailers

A homicidal twelve-year-old paperboy becomes obsessed with a woman and her daughter next-door, and he'll do anything to make his fantasy of the "perfect family" come alive.


Melissa is devastated when she gets word that her mom has died in her old home in a suburb. She takes her daughter Cammie on a plane away from Boston to arrange the funeral, meeting Johnny McFartley, the next-door twelve year old paperboy. At first he is sweet and helpful, Melissa believes he is just an awkward boy with a harmless crush on her... but the story is so much more horrifying than that. Johnny was played by Marc Marut (Ray from Goosebumps Welcome to Dead House). I see why the film has generally bad reviews, but it's such a fun movie to watch! My two best friends, my tulpa and I watched it one night and we laughed so much, it was great! The lines were very humorous, and the Peaches scene... oh boy, it's worth watching just for that alone. Johnny puts a pile of wet beef slices in a burlap sack, along with bottles of ketchup, and whacks the sack until the bottles break, telling an old lady that the contents of the sack is the remains of her dog, Peaches. The old lady gets scared and drops dead. Seriously, it's pretty funny, worth your time if you like cheesy horror classics.

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Bad movies come in different flavors. Some are fun and "good" in their own way, some are just unwatchable. And among the good bad movies, some, like those of Ed Wood are inept across the board - while some are well made on a technical level, but fail miserably in other aspects. THE PAPERBOY, falls into the latter category.There is nothing wrong with the production values of the film as far as made-for-cable movies go. The cinematography and such are all fine. However, the screenplay is quite simple minded and borrows from every other psycho-in-the-home movie from THE BAD SEED to THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE. The dialog also includes a number of howler one-liners like, "Have you given Peaches his weenies?!" So the movie hasn't a chance to develop any real drama or tension.You do get a wonderful, energetic performance from Marc Marut as Johnny. I don't know if you could call his character likable, but I did find myself watching his shenanigans with interest. His character, aside from being violent, is a sad little underdog. He has no friends, poor social skills, and a douchebag golf-loving dad who leaves him to fend for himself most of the time. His character certainly garners more sympathy than the mother character he obsesses over. She is a teacher in what appears to be a school in a low-income neighborhood in Boston, so you would think she would have more sympathy for a kid with a disadvantaged background, treating him with more tact and sensitivity than she does. Not to mention that she should have thought to call a social worker LONG before she did.In all, as far as junk cable movies go, this one is well worth watching, if you like that sort of thing - like I do.

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First, from the looks of things this movie was an actual theater release which is a bit surprising. It looks and feels like a made for television movie, when I first saw it on USA network I thought it was a movie they made. Second, why is it listed as a horror movie? It is not very horrific at all. It is a rather mild thriller about a crazy paper boy who becomes really attached to this mother and daughter, so much so that he does everything in his power to make them like him. If anyone tries to warn the mother, then he deals with them. Here is a movie where you just want to beat the snot out of the stalker character; it drives you crazy at what he gets away with. It also makes me glad I don't have a person that likes me that much. Sure some days I wish a gal would form some sort of crush on me, but then you see some of the possible results of such an unhealthy obsession. All in all though this movie is not good, and it is not bad. It is just a mediocre thriller worth a look see if you see it on the television.

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The paper boy is about a boy who's obsessed with his neighbors daughter so he kills her to bring her daughter back to the house and he wants the young woman to be his mother and he wants to be accepted into the family, he befriends the womans little girl, begins buying both of them presents and stuff but gets very jealouse when the b/f comes over. Anyone who gets in his way ends up dead and anyone who tries to warn the woman gets killed. He tries to impress her and make her love him and eventually he starts showing his "sick" side to her and he gets banned from her house then the real terror begins!

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