I think the main reason for IMDb low score is because it's a french movie, im used to watching American movies in English because translation can remove a lot from a movie, worst in comedy, but this one i watched it in french so i have no clue if translation killed it. Another thing i know is : most English people don't really like french humor, it's subtle and i saw some show that was so subtle it wasn't funny at all. so that said, if you understand french and want an entertaining new aladin story go for it. i found most of the jokes funny and in good taste. Im certainly not some pro that know how directing and such work but i can certainly say that this movie is by far better than meet the spartan, epic movie, disaster movie and other low rated comedy. so, to resume : funny in french, don't be scared by biased ratings but don't go in expecting the best movie ever ... it's still just a family friendly comedy yet i think any age can enjoy it.
... View More-Les Nouvelles Aventures d'Aladin is a 2015 comic movie from Arthur Benzaquen of Arthur. The story is based on that of Aladin and the miracle light--Critical reception: -In general the film will receive generally poor criticism on the IMDb, it obtains the score of 3,5/10. -On Sens critique, the film will receive an average score of 3,5/10.-On AlloCine, the film gets a score of 2,8/5 for 13 press reviews and 2,1/5 to 644 reviews of spectator. On 18 October 2015, while the score was of 3,3/5 for 6 critical, according to the site lavenir.net, Allo Ciné does not take into account the negative reviews appeared in many newspapers. Of internet users suspect that the site to create fake profiles of spectators granting 5 stars 5 stars in the film for pure promotional objective.According to the magazine Les Inrocks, "this presumption is also supplied by the fact that the part "Comments" is strange closed on the plug of the movie, while this treatment had not yet been reserved for productions much more controversial ---Allo Ciné denies the next evening the allegations.
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