The Monk
The Monk
| 02 November 1972 (USA)
The Monk Trailers

Ambrosio is a monk who is sexually tempted by an emissary of the Devil, a young girl in monk's robes. After he has committed numerous crimes, it appears that he will be caught and punished by the Inquisition. Instead, he signs up on the Devil's team and wins his freedom.. and eventually, the papacy.


THE MONK is an Italian adaptation of the famous gothic horror novel by Matthew Lewis of the same title. It's a controversial book that's gone down in infamous history, but the resultant film is merely dark and dour and in no particular way shocking. The screenplay was by Luis Bunuel, who must have been having an off day, and the main actor is Franco Nero, giving one of his most subdued and least interesting performances. He plays the titular character who succumbs to temptation when visited by the devil in disguise, but this loose adaptation is dank and decrepit, dull and drawn-out. Nicol Williamson's larger than life cameo as a crazy aristocrat is the highlight here.

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Extraordinary film that I didn't even know existed. I always new that Bunuel had wanted to make this film and had heard that he had scripted it, but that the Greek, Adonis Kyrow, a writer on surrealism, had actually got it together in 1972 comes as a revelation. it has, of course to turn out to be a bit of a let down but certainly has a lot going for it. It stars, Franco Nero, Nathalie Delon and Nicol Williamson and all are fine, Nero has been criticised but i thought it a strong performance, Delon too, although maybe she looked just a little too gorgeous, especially if she has been mistaken for a guy and Williamson is a delight, although he just might be sending up the proceedings! Extreme and without a shred of morality, this is a major attack upon the notion of self sacrifice, the supposed wonders of chastity and all of organised religion, the Catholic Church in particular. My print, in English was a little dark and erratic quality dub but is so different a film, so startlingly Sadean that it is an essential view for anyone interested in film on the edge.

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There is a fascinating movie waiting to be made from The Monk the classic 18th Century Gothic novel by Matthew Lewis,but neither this ,nor a subsequent remake starring Paul McCann is it.It tells of the downfall of the devout Ambrosio,who fulminates about sins of the flesh in hellfire and brimstone sermons only to be seduced by a sorceress masquerading as a monk From there its an out of control libido,leading to murder and fornication and the attentions of the Inquisition.Oh,and there is a cannibalistic nobleman played in archly camp style by Nicol Williamson,who appears to be subtly sending it all up It really is a dreadful mess and I can't help but feel it was edited down from a longer original because at times its incoherent Franco Nero is dull,and upon the inadequacies of the other cast members I will not dwell,since I am in charitable mood Its a powerful book and it cries out for some director to adapt it for the cinema with the respect it merits

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Peter Reid

This defies description. It is like Branded to Kill, in that it is so unlike anything else you have ever seen, it compels you just to watch it. Nicol Williamson gives a dazzling performance as a cannibalistic nobleman, the inquisition make a surprise appearance, sex and black magic how can it go wrong. It is hard to take this film seriously, ie when the monk makes a confession. What does it all mean, who know? It seems anti clerics, in that the clerics seem to be even more repugnant than the devil worshipping villains, who at least seem to be enjoying themselves. Watch and enjoy.

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