The Man with Rain in His Shoes
The Man with Rain in His Shoes
R | 25 June 1999 (USA)
The Man with Rain in His Shoes Trailers

Victor Bukowski is an out-of-work actor with problems. He's got a lousy agent, he has a habit of falling out with directors and he's still in love with his ex-girlfriend. However, Victor is about to embark on an unexpected emotional journey which will make him confront his future and his past mistakes.

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I really enjoyed this movie. I didn't give it a 10 only because I have seen better but it was very good. I loved the plot. A man is given a second chance in his relationship but learns a valuable lesson from it. The acting and the camera work were great. I was quite surprised at how good this movie was. I didn't know what to expect as I chose it on a whim from Amazon Prime. I was familiar with some of the actors but was not sure if this would be a good movie as I had never heard of it.But it was a delightful movie with a positive message. And it was done very well and professionally.If you like romance movies your gonna love this one.

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First we shall consider that's an European movie and hence a B movie ( budget etc ). However A few dialogues are just A+ ( like the final Vic-Sylvia dialogue under the rain and the frantic dialogue Vic-Sylvia in the beginning, when he tries to hide his affair ). Other scenes are A+: when Vic comes back endlessly to the pub, waiting to meet the woman he had (probably?) met in another time zone...finally he does...and he finds somebody else at his (supposed) place, playing his (supposed) role... Those scenes give great vibes if you can understand the character's state of mind. In the end, what the main character considers a spell, ultimately turns to his utmost advantage ( he gets a new, charming woman who loves him & turn from bum to award winning TV star ). A great lesson for those into it. A lesson imparted with modest means, yet to the point, even without wooden Hollywood A+ actors, sex scenes & billionaire budget shot in Africa or Himalaya. Someone made a reference to Henshall as a poor man's Ewan Mac Gregor...In this film he's much better than the shifting Macgregor pathetically trying to mimic Alec Guinness in the War of the clones.

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First off this film was called "twice upon a yesterday" in the theatre and on video when I saw it, so this other title may confuse you. **spoilers follow**. This is a solid film. An interesting story, well directed and well acted. The reason I like this film so much is that it examines all those twists of fate that govern one's life. How many times has one wondered what might have been had one not met a person at a certain place at a certain time? Or also wondered if only I could undo what has happened! Victor's character gets a chance at redemption and he is able to try and mend his ways. However his life seems destined to go a certain way. I liked how this film explored that whole idea of karma and destiny and how maybe life would have gone exactly the same way no matter what we envisioned. As a guy one can only laugh as well as empathize with Victor's paranoia over his girlfriend's impending infidelity. There is nothing he can do to stop it, because it is fate. All in all, a well crafted little fairy tale.

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At first I thought that this movie was turning into a disappointment, but gradually I started to like this film, and the way the characters are well written. There is a lot of humour in the movie, but the main storyline is one that sets you thinking about past relationships (at least I started to). The end is predictable, but not bothering at all.This movie is highly recommended, if you can not decide what to rent, ask for this title, and you will not be disappointed.

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