The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
PG | 09 January 1981 (USA)
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Hosted by Orson Welles, this documentary utilizes a grab bag of dramatized scenes, stock footage, TV news clips and interviews to ask: Did 16th century French astrologer and physician Nostradamus actually predict such events as the fall of King Louis XVI, the rise of Napoleon, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? And are there prophecies that have yet to come true?

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I don't think the prophecies of Nostradamus are any "news" to any one. Certainly to no one reading these reviews, and even in 1981, he was getting some of the "underground" appeal. By the time this film came out, he entered into super fame status thereafter.This film is a great visual piece, and I think it should be of note that even narrator Orson begins by saying this film is not his idea, inferring that he is not "sold" on Nostradamus.And so, Orson does a fantastic narration, which in view of his denial of belief, makes this a great acting job on his behalf.I was never sold on the prophecies, and neither were most of us in the arts, because we could see how vague the "quatrains" were. Give enough vague verses, and they have to come true across the globe over hundreds of years.The only amazing thing is that less that 100% of them came true so far, in some interpretation. That would be amazing.The "legend" of Nostradamus is very akin to Tyrone Power in NIGHTMARE ALLEY. The con approach is to be general enough, and hit upon items that can have many meanings. I practiced this myself around 1990 with some friends, and scared them senseless with one quatrain, which incidentally came totally true on 9-11-01. I wasn't being "insightful". I just knew that "twin towers", "Sun falling", and other phrases could have dozens of meanings. "Twin towers" could mean basketball players, Minnesota cities, the buildings, and who knows what else.So, it isn't to be taken seriously. It's "fun and games", this film is. And it is great fun and games. Very interesting, very well done, very entertaining. Thumbs up.

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I saw this movie in 1998 and warned my family and friends not to be near NYC in 1999. I felt a bit foolish until 9/11 happened 2 years later. the date was actually based on some planetary alignment predicted 500 years ago. New city of man made mountains, Fireballs, A secret leader from the middle east, terror terror terror.He further predicts that the leader will not be caught but will go into hiding and then emerge after forming an alliance with the dragon (asian nation?)If Osama bin Ladin doesn't form an alliance with (the dragon) then I will have to admit that this movie is just a big coincidence and cant be used to warn us of the future. I recommend watching this movie and decide for yourself.

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I can't understand why people feel the need to have a controlling influence in their lives, be it God or any other channel. Why can't you take control and responsibility for your own actions and make the world a better place with a positive influence.Bad things happen, they have always happened and they always will. Any event in our recent memory will be served as a spectacular event but looking at events in our time they are all insignificant compared to historical events.Hitler is always vaunted as an anti-Christ when (obviously he was a despicable tyrant) Stalin was responsible for far more suffering.Live your lives and take control of them or someone else will at your behest.

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I saw this "documentary" on HBO in the early '80s when I was an impressionable youth. It, too, scared the hell out of me. But then I grew up, and realized that though history DOES repeat itself; it's only because blind human nature and ignorance leaves the steering-wheel to chance all too often...and the side-show master, Mr. N, was intelligent enough to realize this. It's far easier to open your ass to prophesy than to assert your will.The fact that The History Channel deigned this hour of tripe as being worthy of airing astounds me. I would never imagine that a reputable outlet of education would broadcast this fantasy within a couple of months of the horrors of September 11, 2001. Perhaps the Jihadi have it right when they condemned us to death for being Godless (or is it Allahless?): we readily consume this freakish "entertainment" instead of respecting the sanctity of our dead. Hooray! I have something to pontificate about at the water-cooler on Monday! As if I had an education and some social bearing.Then we have other morons who will spout the quatrains as fact. Like that idiot reporter in NYC on the DAY of the 9/11 attacks; with the smoldering wreckage of the WTC in the background, he quoted the fiction of Mr. N. I imagine this ass-lick was attempting to improve his career. Congratulations! I hear Santa and the Easter Bunny are plotting Apocalypse too. Next time, try to respect the slaughtered before manufacturing drama. I suppose it was all `inevitable' though.right?If you have any respect in yourself, your fellow man, and free will; view this fiction for entertainment purposes only.And please, PLEASE, shun the ignorant. In your heart, you know what need be done.

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