The Maladjusted
The Maladjusted
| 11 July 2013 (USA)
The Maladjusted Trailers

Three friends struggle to maintain their hedonistic lifestyles as they approach 30. Delving into their story, we become subjected to their inane theories, absurd philosophies and warped sense of humor.

Mitzi Fenno

First-look at the dates on the previous reviews, all in July 2013. That should be your first clue. Unfortunately the production value of this film is very low. For example the camera is too close in close ups, cutting off the actors' heads. Constantly. It is almost like it was shot using an iPhone. The apparent age discrepancy between the make/female actors makes this story feel "off". Besides that the movie is just boring. You can't follow who is who because they just sit around drinking talking about relationships, no one stands out. Because there isn't any character development you aren't invested. Which is a shame because I have such high hopes for films like these and really root for indies, but skip this one.

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You know how sometimes you watch a film (Could be an Indie or Hollywood film) and they have comedy/humor that almost in a way tries to tell You (the audience) what's "funny" and what's not...Well, this film doesn't have to tell you what's humorous. I genuinely cracked up tons of times. The character development is very good. The dialog, everything each character said was necessary to the story/relevant.The Maladjusted was way better summer comedy that I've seen this year even compared to a couple recent Hollywood "comedies" that I felt just relied on big names/cheap humor that wasn't really humorous to get seats filled. This one has genuinely great actors and a story everyone can follow.Def check it out.

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I was fortunate enough to see the premiere of The Maladjusted recently, a proper summer time comedy. I should probably qualify "proper" to mean, all the stuff you want to see in a raunchy comedy. This is a great summer time movie for adults. Leave the kids at home for this one, but as we all know, the best comedies are for the older audiences. There are some genuinely funny performances and quotable lines of dialogue. A personal favorite was the brief discussion about a good massage vs. a bad massage. I do wish the three main characters would have been a little less two dimensional. I felt like the character of Nikki was the most developed but her appearances only bookend the movie. However, let's be real, do you go see this kind of comedy for deep character development? Probably not. This minor complaint did not diminish my enjoyment of the movie at all. The Maladjusted is definitely worth seeing again.

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David Kilroy

Even though I am an Executive Producer on this film, I hadn't seen any cuts prior to the premiere. I had faith in Chris, Elias, Paul, and Josh. I didn't really expect it to be as good as it was. If you get a chance to see this - you must. it is well worth it. The laughs are almost non-stop. There is plenty of adult humor and I feel that this is one of those movies that you want to watch multiple times to catch things you may have missed on the first viewing. The main cast was fantastic and supporting cast - John C. Bailey's Yon Zamolla and Josh Davidson's Lester were both riots, and if this film ever went main-stream, would add a number of catch-phrases to the public vocabulary.

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