The myth that global warming is a myth (perpetuated most often, it seems, by the talking dead heads on "Fox News"- which is to news what professional wrestling is to sports) is refuted easily enough by the facts as presented here. Or one can watch a starving polar bear being trailed by her starving cub over a melting ice floe; or watch a centuries-old iceberg crumble and collapse into the ocean; or ask any one of the scientists whose credentials make THEM experts on the subject... or watch a documentary like this one. "There's a warming in the world," one of the 500 remaining Shishmaref Eskimos notes. "We will become lost..." While oil companies are making record profits (something in the neighborhood of $125 BILLION this past year), gas prices continue to rise and the Environment to deteriorate. It's now a race against Time. Keep your fingers crossed.
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