The Jungle Captive
The Jungle Captive
NR | 25 June 1945 (USA)
The Jungle Captive Trailers

Once again Paula the ape woman is brought back to life, this time by a mad doctor and his disfigured assistant, who also kidnaps a nurse in order to have a female blood donor.


Mercifully, this signifies the end of the "Ape Woman" movies by "Universal" studios.This is truly a poor movie, technically and from a narrative point of view. The already low budget has been reduced further - if such a thing is possible!

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Michael O'Keefe

Paula Dupree, (Vicky Lane), known as the Ape-Woman , has already been killed twice with overdose of tranquilizers. In the middle of the night, a huge, strikingly ugly man named Moloch the Brute (Rondo Hatton) is sent to collect the Ape-Woman's body for the local university; after a failed kidnapping, Paula's body is taken to a secluded mansion, where a mad scientist Dr. Stendahl (Otto Kruger), is working on a major research project of restoring life to dead bodies by blood transfusions and direct electric stimulation of the heart.This film is directed by Harold Young and you immediately know you are watching low budget horror. Not the greatest, but very comfortable to watch due to so many familiar faces.Rounding out the cast: Amelita Ward, Phil Brown, Jerome Cowan, Jack Overman and Ernie Adams.

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The Jungle Captive is the third (and thankfully final) installment in Universal's Ape Woman trilogy. In most trilogies, the third movie is usually the worst. I actually found The Jungle Captive to be the most entertaining of the bunch (although that's not saying much). In this one, a scientist named Stendahl (Otto Kruger) uses his hired muscle, Moloch (Rondo Hatton), to steal the Ape Woman's body from the morgue (she was killed at the end of part 2). He has been working with reanimating the dead bodies of small animals and wants to take his experiments to the next level with a larger subject. Unfortunately, during the heist of the body, Moloch killed a morgue worker – meaning the police are investigating. The police seem to suspect Stendahl's lab assistants, but they're completely innocent and unaware of Stendahl's new experiments. That all changes, though, once Stendahl kidnaps his female assistant, Ann. He needs her blood to help resurrect the Ape Woman. If you've seen the other two films in the series, you won't be surprised by much of what happens in The Jungle Captive. But there is more action in this one and the flow (for lack of a better word) of the movie is better. Kruger makes a great mad scientist – the best in series. The look on his face when he reveals his plan is fantastic. It's also nice to see Rondo Hatton in a speaking role. In the end, Rondo gets to play the hero. Finally, the movie focuses less on Paula the Ape Woman which turns out to be a positive. In the previous movies, she too often just stood and stared at nothing. Here, she's almost an afterthought to Stendahl and his crazy plans for Ann.Those are the positives. How about the negatives? Well, it's easy to see that Universal slashed the budget big time on The Jungle Captive. This one barely looks better than a Poverty Row programmer. In fact, most of the cast seems straight off the PRC lot – not the usual standard for Universal. Also, as I indicated, it's all horribly predictable. You know what's going to happen to the Ape Woman and that somehow Ann will be saved. In the end, I sort of felt sorry for Paula. As with the other two movies, this one ends with her being killed.

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Universal Pictures did the third and last of its Ape Woman series with Vicky Lane taking the place of Acquanetta as the woman turned into a primeval ape woman. She was killed in the last film, but another one of those crazy scientists has brought her back to life and even more he's brought her back to a human condition.But poor Vicky, she may look like a swimsuit model, but she has no human brain. Never mind we've got Amelita Ward to keep her supplied with human blood and maybe a human brain if Otto Kruger can complete his experiment.Poor Otto has a problem. His assistant Rondo Hatton killed a morgue attendant getting the Ape Woman's body so the cops in the person of Jerome Cowan are investigating. And Ward has a boyfriend Phil Brown also a scientist and also inquiring.So those are the elements of the plot of this Universal horror flick which made a whole lot of good actors like Kruger and Cowan look embarrassed. Still they were professional enough to give credible if not decent performances in this Thanksgiving feast of a movie.Why didn't these scientists just ship her to a zoo to find a horny gorilla?

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