The House of Cards
The House of Cards
R | 10 May 2013 (USA)
The House of Cards Trailers

An elite firm of assassins must face their own mortality as they are hunted down one by one by a mysterious assailant. Caught up in the drama is a disgraced journalist who is more connected to the assassins' world than he could ever know.


I did not think, given the description of this film that I would like it. I thought in my naivety, what could the writer know of the gangster life, being a boy from a privileged background? However, to me, he has got it just right.What I found interesting is, you don't really know what someone has going on behind the facade, what level of experience someone really has, until you see them in action. I can never tell when someone is having me on. When they say, e.g. I am a great chess champion, a fighter (I can usually pick bullshit a mile away here) but, if someone has a background different to mine, maybe they can kick-ass, who the knows. There are all kinds of criminals, many who chase the gangster life acting against type, rebellion, poor judgment, idiot syndrome ... the list goes on. Despite my earlier reservations, I found myself drawn into what was going on behind the actor's eyes, the glimpse into them, did they know something about the world they were depicting, was there tension, fear, secrets. They convinced me. I wanted to see what would happen. Turn the next page.It is a world of secret societies and ancient martial arts collectives ... what not to like.If you are a fighter ... the moment you face your opponent ... then, the bullshit is over ... the mind-set behind the man, the school of thought, what they a part of, is revealed. Then ... effectiveness is evident, the brilliance of those who went before, those who built the system, live once more. The house we lived in brought again to life.Ian Chinsee played a convincing practitioner, a man in over his head, but a warrior to the end compelled by his code to act with Honor. He made me believe he could and would do these things, which I am sure he can.The stuff behind the eyes the sense of an insight into who the actors are revealed by the scenes they inhabit, gave a tantalizing glimpse of who they really are. I liked the commitment to being their film version, selves.I liked the plot. As a lover of the Bruce Lee phenomenon, I loved the fight scenes. I can see some of my favorite films celebrated and referenced in Ian Chinsee's film. Fist Of Fury, Enter The Dragon.And, last of all, all these people make films on Brisbane. Brisbane, actors, writers, cinematographers, making our city look like a bloody international city worthy of a movie.

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martin pace

HiAs soon as I saw the first few action sequences I lost interest in this flick - I could not understand how given the financing that must of gone into this, that basic stuff like getting the right camera angle for a fight sequence could not be achieved? I mean, if your actors/stunt people are half good (at fight sequencing)then fair enough they might be able to (strike, block. kick) close enough to each other to make the action appear realistic, or you might film with the actors making 'soft' contact in slow motion (and then speed things up) or just get the right angle (behind the person throwing or receiving the punch, for example) - but having poorly choreographed action filmed at 90 degrees to the camera with obvious space between the combatants strikes just makes no sense. There was a certain (good) quality of production to some of the non action sequences that belied what I just described so I remain confused about this one - ultimately though, disappointing.

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Who rates these movies so high? They lack in everything. Just another low budget company putting out low budget crap. The action was sub-par, the camera work was shotty and unoriginal. The story overall was less than mediocre and no imagination put into it. I've seen high school student films better. I have a feeling the majority of the ratings this movie has received and many like it creators of the movie putting in their two cents to hike up the rating on their otherwise terrible attempt at a movie. Drama, action...?? Where? The terrible acting is just, yet, another factor that adds to this complete failure of a film. I've seen Uwe Boll movies better than this and he's the worse director in the industry.

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Aubrey Kloppers

This must be the worst comedy ever!Expecting to see great lines and hear large laughter, House of Cards Directed, Produced, Costume Designed, Written and Starring Ian Chinsee is not getting my vote in any of the comic/comedy genre this year.I was most disappointing with the 14 people (obviously all Ian Chinsee) who voted this 10/10. Anybody voting anything less than 3 have at least one brain cell.Paying for this is going to cost you money. Watching this is going to cost you time. Thinking this is funny... Not so much! In a nutshell, I would not let my worst enemy watch this dribble!

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