This adaptation of Guyver could have been a retro action classic. Its not a masterpiece by any means, and it isn't humorously bad. But as a dark, animated Tokusatsu show, its very fun. It has a plot, cool designs for our hero and the monsters, brutal action scenes, good pacing, even a good soundtrack! Usually I'm not a fan of "simple" stuff, but I'm biased towards retro sci-fi anime, so Guyver was close to scratching my itch.But as I got deeper into this 12-episode OVA, it dawned on me that there was no time for Guyver to finish. And finish it did not. Guyver is based on a manga...that's ongoing to this day. While it changed parts of the story, it still followed the manga closely. It didn't create its own plot and ending, and didn't even have enough time to finish the second arc. Its like Guyver, a direct-to-video anime, somehow got canceled.Booooooo! So, does Guyver merit watching at all? Maybe. Again, the series is pretty awesome while it lasts. There's nothing to take away, though, and retro action is a niche few can enjoy. If you like the idea, you can watch it if you got nothing else to do. Just be prepared - what you're watching isn't art, and you're not getting an epic final battle. A shame, but c'est la vie.
... View MoreBetween this disappointing animated entry and the horrendous 1991 Guyver live action movie starring Mark Hamil, I honestly suspect a curse of sorts that was placed on the Guyver franchise name during that year.Part 2 of the Guyver OVA sees material from the mildly popular manga, books 3 to 5 in particular, crammed into 6 short episodes.On a whole, this feels like an after thought at best, created just because the studio had some leftover cash and did not know where to spend it.It not only carries on the flaws of part 1, but ends up making a whole batch of new flaws and mistakes. For starters, if you thought the plot in part one felt truncated and confusing, part 2 is a lot more so. You get smacked with the convoluted origin of the guyver units, the coming of the Zoalord Balcus, Hyperzoanoid team, Aptom and the lost numbers, even a subplot involving Sho's dad.Ooooh ..boy ..Visually, the look of this second part is obviously inferior to the first. Animation and art detail suffer the usual problems that plague most anime TV series. For an OVA (which usually has a higher budget per episode and longer production period) such standards are highly disappointing. The action involves a lot more standing around talking and blasting brightly colored power balls at each other akin to stuff like Dragonball Z; less of the more savage, in-your-face, hand to hand battles that came before.The conclusion to the series seems like it was aborted pre-maturely and leaves viewers hanging. Plot threads are hardly tied up as the story rushes toward its disappointing end.Watch this one if only for the sake of continuity or if you're a long time guyver fan.
... View MoreI thought that this had ALOT going for it! I wasn't *that* into Anime when i first saw this buttttt it was quite a good show! I just didn't like it after eposode 6 when the animation got really crappy :(This show has ALOT going for it and i remember watching it and thinking "WOWWWW" hehehe, it was something that you can watch and then go racing off into the sunset as lil' kids pretending who you were! LOLI didn't like the fact that the guyver (at times) appeared TOTALLY INVINCIBLE against the normal types, and the fact that Guyver 3 was SUPER strong, but when fighting the ONE boss, all types of things would happen to him? I mean, the unit has got TONS of weapons that it could use, and then it gets its but whipped? (Btw, i DID like the wholesale cloning done at the end of eposode 6!! Highly orginal i think!) Butttt like most Anime that i've seen recently, it seems that your SUPER strong, until something comes along and then gives u a good but whipping, and like all good guys you just come right back again and kick its but... Fun?Watch this even if you don't really know what Anime is all about, its a good starting point, and then you can move on after this to more "harsh" stuff, at very least when you watch some other Anime, you won't have to worry about things like "What the HELL was THAT all about!?!?"
... View MoreThe Guyver sets out the story of Aliens that landed on Earth millions of years ago, creating and developing life on Earth. The Chronos corp. set up an acheological dig, and recovered the aliens lost technolodgy to create bio-morthic monsters called "zoanoids." They also acquired 3 individual power units known as "Guyver" that transform the user into a powerful combatant mech. In modern day Tokyo, a test subect escapes from Chronos, Japan, and takes the 3 units with him in ransom to salvage his stolen humanity. During the pursuit of the test zoanoid, a bomb is triguired by him, and blows the units out of sight, at random locations. A young boy called Sho Fukamachi uncovers one, and bonds with it to become "Guyver I." Sho soon finds himself up against Chronos' bio-morthic mutants, and learns that they wont stop pursuing Sho and his loved ones until the units are back in their possession. The Guyver portrays an epic story filled with sorrow, anger, vegeance, and teh struggle to live as a normal "human being." The Guyver is indeed one of the memorable animes ever produced, although people have different tastes, and might disagree with me. The Mech design and armour is beautiful in it's own way, and each episode has crisp, gothic animation. The first six episodes is worth checking out if your into anime, mech, or even Japanese robot shows, but the remaining six is another matter...Watch DATAs 1-6...NOW!!!
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