The Gamers
The Gamers
NR | 03 November 2002 (USA)
The Gamers Trailers

Sent on a quest to rescue a princess, four clueless players must guide their players through dangerous forests, ancient ruins, and past the girl next door.

Viktor Vedmak (realvedmak)

If you happen not to be a gamer, there is a strong possibility you might not get this movie and therefore not enjoy it.I saw third one first, so I was expecting lower budget movie, which this was. But that does not detract from it doing precisely what it meant to do. Make me laugh.Its only 47 minutes long, but i would rather watch 47 minute movie that keeps me interested than 3 hour borefest like Cloud Atlas which should have been 45 minutes. There is even a surprise ending which came unexpectedly. And movie ends with girl describing in detail what she wants to do for rest of her life, and mini-spoiler, it involves Gamers.If you are a Gamer and you do not see this movie, you are missing out.

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Great to see something so sweet, original, and interesting overcome the shortcomings of its budget. The Gamers is a story about geeks imagining a fantasy world where they go on adventures, steal people's pants, and can't remember if they are asleep or not. This is a short and entertaining film that doesn't get bogged down in explaining the mechanics of the game. This means we are in the world of the gamer, and the world of the gamers' imaginations from the start.Technically it doesn't look great, but it's wonderful to see a film that kicks the ass of overblown 3D, expensive, HD disappointments such as Avatar. The content is king here.

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The Gamers shows five guys involved in a role playing game in their dorm on a Friday night. As they play the game, scenes from the story are acted out, inter-cut with the discussion in the dorm. It is an incredibly simple adventure, and the five are interrupted several times by an angry resident who is trying to study.I was surprised to see so many positive reviews by people who seem to know about gaming. Do gamers actually like this movie? Do they find it authentic? All I can say is, if this is what gaming is usually like, I don't feel like I'm missing out. I have to believe that people are coming up with more complex stuff than what these guys pretend to play.Spoilers: In their adventure, they start out in a tavern. They kill an angry guy they had met on a previous adventure, then get a message from a princess who wants to be rescued. They get into a fight in a forest with some bandits, then enter a dungeon and kill the evil Shadow. The way the movie ends is with the characters from the scenes depicted the adventure bust into the dorm room and kill the kids playing the game, who are their real-life counterparts. It's short and cheap, and apparently a lot of people who have played D&D think it's funny. I thought it seemed kind of stereotypical in how it portrayed the guys playing the game, but maybe this is how most games really sound.

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Low-budget fun that really geeks out with the best of gamer-lore. Sure the effects are "special" (as in "short-bus special") but, really, this is a really fun film!You can find this at most game shops. You can also find it at most conventions.Using the word "most" should demonstrate just how popular this film is.I would rate it higher but I'm rating it on a scale that includes mainstream films. It is better than most of them (despite being so short), though, and is worth the time ... especially if you know even a tiny bit about "Dungeons and Dragons".

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