The Drownsman
The Drownsman
| 22 August 2014 (USA)
The Drownsman Trailers

After nearly drowning in a lake, a young girl develops an abnormal fear of water and is plagued by visions of a mysterious dark figure. A year later, in an attempt to cure her phobia and visions, her skeptical friends stage a séance and subject her to a bathtub experiment, unwittingly summoning the dark figure into the world.


In all honesty when I saw the trailer I thought to myself this looks like a good movie. The concept was a nice idea and it certainly had a creepy vibe to it. Even when I started watching it I could see it was getting straight into the story. Yet that is only where it had my interest. From there on out.... It started to fall apart for me....First of all the way the story unfolded was pretty poor. Like I said earlier the concept of the film was good though how they laid it out was pretty weak. Like how Anna gets so seriously angry about Madison missing her wedding since Madison gained a fear of water since she nearly drowned to death. If it was my friend, I would give them the benefit of the doubt as they nearly died and are somewhat traumatised. Yet no we shall play along with the fact her friends have had enough and want to help her by stuffing her in a tub of water. (I have seen so many therapies for this particular phobia work exactly how they did it). Anyway I digress. Its little things like this in the story that drive me a little mad as it just doesn't flow well enough for me.Now you may say, well its a horror, the story is not meant to matter. Be there for the scares! Well sorry but b*ll*cks to that. I never got a single jump out of it. Not even my fiancée and she jumps easy, she ended up slumping over from boredom. Other than the fact the Drownsman looked like a runaway Orc from Lord of the Rings hoping to pursue a new career in Hollywood, his killings just did not do it for me. He just killed them like his namesake, which clearly the writer couldn't make exciting. Plus all of his attacks were very much the same. You knew when he was coming and even when he did all it was, was his bloody hand!So as you can see I was clearly disappointed by this film and if you do care about the storyline you will be too. I only gave this film two stars as I still reckon the plot line of this film could have worked. So please avoid this and watch something more interesting. Like the steam off a pile of sh*t.P.S. The worst quote of the film was Madison saying "To be honest, I didn't believe until today" which brings up many questions.And the worst reaction is when Madison trying to save her remaining living friend. Pathetic!

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Let me start by saying: how on Earth can this movie be only 4.3 on IMDb?!? Seriously, it's a lot better and I do mean, a lot!We have movies like Ouija, like The Unborn and so on, that are in my opinion, weak productions, yet they manage to get so much attention, even develop a small fan club. Then we get the better ones, that go completely unnoticed, and I fear, The Drownsman might not be on so many lips as the previous ones I just mentioned. So here I stand, trying to make this little horror more popular, cause it does deserve a wider audience. The cover did trick me into believing that I'm up for another low budget film, but as it started, with the occasional clichés here and there, The Drownsman is quite the nice surprise, far better than say, We Are Still Here. I think around 15 minutes it's all it takes for it to get your attention, after that, you'll enjoy the ride.Therefore, give this one a try and maybe even recommend it to a friend who is into horror. Let's face it, you can do a lot worse than this one!Cheers!

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The Drownsman has a few nice concepts, while they might not be novel, these are still intriguing to some degree. It creates a good visual with simple use of water and contrasting light. The characters are predictable in their looks or bad decisions, yet surprisingly audiences could warm up to them. If there's anything that hampers the movie, it dives too much to the genre familiarities, to the point that some scenes are near identical with other horror flicks.Madison (Michelle Mylett) has awkward accident as she slips in a pier and nearly dies from drowning. As she wakes up she is haunted by an entity that dwells on water. Things escalate as her friends try to perform faux cleansing and unwittingly share the cursed stalking. The movie protagonists consist of all female, almost like a sorority in jeopardy. Acting is decent overall, and it's good to say that the movie treats its cast with appreciation, it doesn't put them on bras and panties and splash some water on them, even though it has all the excuses to do so.The lead Michelle Mylett is pretty good, although these girls can be interchangeable at times. The personalities don't stand out much, they are what audiences would expect from any horror films. You'd have the lead who is a victim and her skeptical friends, eventually they all run and scream the same. In fact The Drownsman borrows many other aspects from previous works like Final Destination or Friday the 13th. There's a random puddle, it may be a trap put by psychopath ghost to trip someone and brutally drown them.Some of the scenes might not hit the mark, especially those which inspired by genre clichés such as ignored premonition or creepy warning by equally creepy characters. They come across as a tad silly, furthermore the logic isn't exactly neatly constructed. The antagonist might appear literally from a spill, but then again human body is mostly water, what if someone pees or does it have to be normal water. So many questions unresolved to plot holes.While it's overly familiar and bizarre at some points, the movie looks good and it sprinkles enough mystery to pique audiences' curiosity, at least for a rental or movie night.

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noone nobody

The acting is excellent."Madison" has been in other horror movies and continues to impress me.She has a future in Hollywood. She will break out of horror B flicks and into mainstream soon.I couldn't help think of the Descent..the acting,the intense relationships and the spook factor.Its not as good as The Descent by any means but still most movies starring all women just are epic fails.The Drownsman keeps you interested from start to filler and no exploitation.If you appreciate good acting and a good storyline,even a bit original..give The Drownsman a watch.Its good entertainment.No cheese and no gimicks!Just nonstop spooky fun!

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