The Dogfather
The Dogfather
PG | 12 April 2010 (USA)
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When a Mafia don's right-hand man, a bulldog named Sonny, swallows his ring, comedy ensues as two of the don's best soldiers try and retrieve the ring from Sonny, who has been adopted by a new family

Jakob Schmidt

I have seen some pretty bad movies. Mostly family films come to think of it... But this takes the cake. This movie is a disgrace. It is the worst movie I have ever seen, EVER! It stinks of cliché, every corner is of the square plot is a corner so obvious, so cliché, that it is a shock that they even pick it. I rue the day I set eyes on this filth. It follows a kid who is boring as white rice as he gets a dog. The father has no time for his kid cause he has a job to do, and I don't blame him. His kid is insane. Of course like any freak the kid falls in love with the dog and risks his life and the life of his family to save him after the father gives him away because he destroyed his house and his project for work, causing the mom and kid to hate the dad, but its like what the heck? The dog destroyed the house and hours of work, plus the Mafia is after him so it seems more than reasonable to get rid of the dog, but he doesn't know that the people he gave it to was the Mafia because the boss wants his dog who has jewels and of course the whole movie two dimwitted thugs try to steal the dog and... AHHHHH!!!!!!! This is by far, long and away the lowest of the low, the bottom of the barrel of crap. This is a metaphor for what is wrong with Hollywood. Atrocious acting, vile use of music, lighting, cinematography, casting, and editing. I would rather watch Battlefield Earth ten times then ever see this again.

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This is one of those family films that is based on one line idea. I.e. somebody thought, hey Dogfather is like Godfather, lets make a movie about a dog in the mafia.They throw in some stupid adults, some saccharine kids and a dog (obviously) and just assume we will lap it up.There are so many things wrong with it, I don't know where to start. But from a Dog wandering around wearing gold tags and chains being assumed to be a stray to mafia henchmen running screaming from kids armed with Nerf guns, there isn't a believable scene in the whole film.Its cliché, cliché cliché. Dorky husband with hot wife? check. Horrible boss who insists major presentation has to take place at family home? check. wife and kid who love pet and ignore father? check. etc etc etc.There are are a few good - if not generic, predictable & formulaic - slapstick moments and maybe a few slightly humorous lines, but there are an awful lot that fall flat.And the end of the movie plays like a 10 minute advert for Nerf weaponry. I was surprised the prices weren't flashing up on screen and a voice-over announcing they were "available from all good toy stores". That said it mildly entertained our kids. Personally I think there are better films out there that don't treat kids like idiots. Don't resort to making the adults into imbeciles. And give some thought to the plot and dialogue.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

I was expecting more laughs from this movie. Although I sat down and watched it without ever having heard about it prior to picking it up. I had expected a bit more from it, though.Not even Chris Parnell could raise this movie up from what it was. Most of the cast was decent enough, actually, including Chris Parnell. However, I didn't care for Dax Ravina (playing Vinny) and Tony Nappo (playing Joey), they overacted their stereotypical characters in a very bad way, bordering on where it was physically painful to watch. I am sure they are both good actors in their own rights, but their characters in this movie was too much!The story would be really nice for a 6 to 10 year old to watch, and perhaps as a family unit, but don't sit down and watch this movie without children, it is just not that funny. I watched it with my 1 year old, but of course he is too young to understand what's going on, but he seemed to like watching the dog on the screen.The story told in "The Dogfather" is pretty straight forward, and very, very simple. Don Tanzio loses his family heirloom ring when the dog Sonny eats a meatball from his hand. The dog runs away and then becomes adopted by a new family. And of course, Don Tanzio's goons are out looking for the dog and the ring, and this is where the awkward situations arise for everyone.For a family entertainment movie, "The Dogfather" is not a really good choice, because there are lots of other really nice and funny movies available on the market. The movie had potential, but it didn't fully deliver.

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Watched this tonight as our Saturday family movie on PPV, we made a great choice! This is how a family film should be, Hollywood take note. Most if your so called "family films" are not fit for family consumption. The Dogfather gets it right! This film was both funny and presented a number of positive family messages that my wife and I appreciated. Chris Parnell is very good as the dad. And the guy who plays the mafia boss is perfect! He looks and sounds like Marlon Brando from The Godfather, geez what a find he was! The bulldog is quite hilarious in this movie, a very funny breed indeed. We are dog lovers at our house so we appreciated that. The plot and story line for this movie is excellent and the cinematography is gorgeous, I loved all the bright vibrant colors. My kids laughed at many of the parts and where thoroughly entertained for the entire duration of the movie. I found some of the jokes aimed at adults to be quite funny as well. My wife wants to get this movie on DVD so we can have the kids watch it in the car. Parents, if you want a "safe" movie that will keep the kids occupied for 90 minutes, this is the one!

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