The Dead Inside
The Dead Inside
| 14 October 2013 (USA)
The Dead Inside Trailers

A bad night out just got a fair bit worse, it's the end of the world! Something terrible has happened, the undead are out in force; roaming the streets and devouring all who get in their way. A group of soldiers, civilians and teenagers take shelter in a local school for protection from the undead hordes outside, but no rescue is coming. Food is running low - morale doubly so, tensions are high and things are looking bad when a stranger arrives outside the gate. Then they get a whole lot worse.


THE DEAD INSIDE is a British indie zombie film with an action-focused storylinte involving a bunch of survivors who find themselves trapped inside a school during a zombie outbreak. It's made on a tiny budget and shot on the streets of Bedford with an amateur cast and the usual overactors playing zombies. The lack of money is painfully apparent throughout with barely any action scenes and never more than a few zombies on the screen at the same time. The acting is quite poor too: the soldiers are supposed to be impassive, but the female cast members don't have the same excuse. When an even cheaper film like ZOMBIE GENOCIDE manages to be endearing, this really should have been better.

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I don't usually write reviews but I thought this film was a bit under-appreciated. I came across this film on Amazon prime after some late night flicking through the movies and thought I'd give it a go. If it had of been American I probably would not have thought it was so good as I think English people would enjoy this sort of film more being that it is set in a very English school and village which people from other countries may not think is very flashy but it is quiet real... Until the zombies obviously! The settings, such as in the homes and in the school are what English schools and homes actually look like, which I think makes the film feel more relate-able therefore more scary. The actors are all pretty good as well seeing as how (after a cheeky bit of googling) none of them have really been in much else - yet. So yeah good film well worth a watch.

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...and though I am loath to beat an insensate corpse beyond recognition, even in defense of my life, every once in a while one of them floats by that makes me want to take my friendly neighborhood library video purchaser by the neck and shake them around and beg them to explain their rationale for acquiring such poor excuses for cinematic entertainment. "Infected" is such a floating corpse.Others here have already detailed its shortcomings, which are legion, and extolled its virtues, which are few, so I won't bore likewise. Suffice to say that the auteur creators of "Infected" have a long way to go before they garner any real attention. More power to them for having put together a film that almost belies its thin budget, I suppose, but there seems to have been little awareness of the need for a tight, compelling script and genuinely engaging actors. It ranks, at best, as an ambitious student project subject to the full authority of Sturgeon's Revelation.Do not be fooled by the fact that "Infected" actually managed to find distribution. That's too easy these days. Note as well that the DVD package sports no blurbs whatsoever. Not a good sign, given how easy they are to harvest from indiscriminate reviewers and marketing minions. I promise; even the hardest of hardcore zombie fans can safely skip this one and not miss a thing. I'm pretty sure the original title of "The Dead Inside" was changed when they realized how ironically apt it was in regard to the product it labeled.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

"The Dead Inside" boasts 'post-Romero packed with punch' on the DVD front cover. You have to look really long and hard for anything even remotely close to what Romero have accomplished with any of his movies. And paying £10.08 for this movie on Amazon is a rip off, because this movie is downright and blatantly bad.Everything in this movie just screams low budget and inferior production. The camera-work was questionable and most of the time downright annoying. I don't pay money to see a movie that is shot by a camera operator with Parkinsons disease. The camera-work in "The Dead Inside" was all over the place.The dialogue was mundane, and delivered without any punch or conviction, which just added fuel to the fire that was characters that had no appeal, no charisma, no dimension and characters that you didn't care about or relate to in any way.As much as I enjoy zombie movies, then the running zombie aspect of the zombie mythology is just wasted on me. Personally, I am more to the staggering, slow zombies that walk with a gait. And zombies should at the very least look like they are deceased individuals, not just people painted with some grey make-up and splashed with fake blood."The Dead Inside" had nothing interesting to offer, nor did it prove interesting in any single way. And as much of a zombie aficionado as I am, then this movie was just a swing and a miss.Don't get suckered and fooled by the somewhat interesting and appealing DVD cover, because it has nothing to do with the actual movie itself. And the zombies in the movie doesn't even look like on the DVD cover at all. The zombies in the movie were just regular people milling about with bad make-up.Stay well clear of "The Dead Inside", because there is very little to be had here...

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