The Darkening
The Darkening
| 01 January 1995 (USA)
The Darkening Trailers

A secluded, idyllic hideaway on the California coast hides a horrific secret in this occult chiller. Rebecca Lacey runs a clifftop inn that appears peaceful, but when psychic investigator Scott Griffin comes for a visit, he uncovers evidence of an alarming evil that resides there. Plagued by fearsome visions and psychic flashes, he is led to an ancient relic covered with esoteric writing. He soon recognizes it as a satanic tool thought to have been annihilated centuries ago; now Griffin must face its evil powers.


Just a flat out bad movie.Awful acting and effects, and the stupid demon guy grunting and screaming just wasn't very scary. Very Low budget spent mostly on interesting shots of the Pacific Ocean and fake clouds, not very well thought out plot either because the time frame was just all messed up,awful pacing problems, too many shots of people sleeping cutting out of the story, the worst scene in the whole movie was the scene where the girl was running away from nothing and fell into a clearly fake spiderweb, with the camera spinning around in circles for no reason and then she tripped of a cliff. And the scene where Richard pretended to be an attractive demon and tried to seduce Scot was also a very bad piece of film making.NOT VERY GOOD ONE OF THE WORST 1/10

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OK, I pretty much just have a few questions because as far as what I understand...this plot makes little sense. First of all Catherine tells Justin that they loved each other in his past life but according to Maggie, the night of the dinner (when they met and also Catherine was killed) was only either 4 or 6 and a half years ago because she said she ran out of the house that night after coming back to explain to the husband that Catherine was telling the truth and then either 4 or 6 years later (can't remember which) Rebecca buys the house and she has only been living their for 6 months. So how does Justin have a past life from only 4 or 6 and a half years ago? Is there something I missed??? Also in the end (Spoiler)- Scott tells Rebecca in a mysterious way that he knows what she really brought him there for..What does he mean buy that because from what I saw she seriously only brought him there to get rid of the ghosts to rub a successful Bed and breakfast. Someone please help me to understand this because I am lost.

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Since a movie has to be fairly interesting to keep me interested for several hours, I'll grant it a 7.So far, most of the comments I have heard about this movie have been negative. However, having seen it in light of a more recent movie, The Skeleton Key, which I liked, I see a key thing that these movies have in common - they both delve into areas of life that we tend to shy away from or ignore. I didn't think either of these movies were particularly scary, but I wouldn't watch these movies looking for a scare. I would watch these movies for their interesting portrayal of the dark arts of life. While traditional horror movies create their own monsters, make up crazy rules for which a person will die, or just prey on childhood fears and ghost stories, movies like this attempt to create a glimpse into a more real form of horror. Every day some people believe in these dark beliefs, practice these dark religions, and perform these terrible rituals - these are the very people we like to pretend do not exist. Movies like this force us to look at our world and see that there are dark things going on around us and actually hiding in our shadows. This is perhaps the "real" horror story that we should be embracing rather than the cheap chills, willies, and screams that Hollywood sells us.Secondly, I think the story of the "ghost chaser" serves as a warning of what it takes to fight the supernatural and the evil dark arts. One had better be prepared for all situations and be able to recognize evil from every angle, or else one could easily become a pawn of evil at the same time as one believes he is fighting it (e.g. see the last line of the movie - ask yourself what might have happened if he 'didn't know it'). Fighting dark evil is not for the feint of heart or the ill-prepared.Perhaps the script kept true to the story to a fault. Maybe there should have been some more cool special affects, more music-induced tension, more ghosts jumping out at you, or even more research into realistic satanic rituals. However, I think the director did pretty good with what he had to work with.7 out of 10. Thank you.

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This whole movie is about a haunted Bed & Breakfast that is actually some kind of gateway to Hell. You know, come to think of it, I think I actually stayed there once. You can read my review of it on Travelocity. Sorry, the joke was there and I took it.I read somewhere that Black Gate was originally called The Darkening and was made back in 1996. Now, if someone told me that it was made in 1986, I might say it was a decent effort. If it had been made in 1976, I would have said it was amazing. But since it was made in 1996, I can't really excuse the horrible CG that looks like it was done on somebody's Atari 500 game console. I can't really excuse the fact that the hero wears a ridiculous trenchcoat through the whole movie, and I can't excuse the flimsy plot.I guess the owner of the B&B wants to get rid of the ghosts, because they're making all of her guests leave. In comes a pair of ghost hunters, a trenchcoat wearing priest and his sidekick. At some point, the sidekick winds up falling in love with one of the ghosts, which leaves the whole "saving the B&B" thing to Father Trenchcoat.It's not really worth describing the story in greater detail. There's a lot of Father Trenchcoat trying his best to act like Max Von Sydow in the EXORCIST. He winds up being drawn into a portal which sends him to CG Hell. It's where all of the Bad CG goes to die, and Father Trenchcoat gets dumped right in the middle of it. He fights his way home and fires his agent for getting him put in this stupid movie to begin with.

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