The Colors of the Mountain
The Colors of the Mountain
| 27 April 2011 (USA)
The Colors of the Mountain Trailers

A motley crew of young boys in Colombia lives only for one passion: soccer. But when their precious new ball rolls into a minefield, their dreams are suddenly on hold. Even as the village becomes the center of a tug-of-war between right-wing paramilitary groups and leftist guerrillas, the idea of a rescue attempt is too tempting to resist.

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Martin Bradley

Another great film about childhood, this one from Colombia and despite, or maybe because of, the seriousness of the subject matter, one totally devoid of sentimentality. It was director Carlos Cesar Arbelaez's first film and it showed great promise, (his handling of the children alone is impeccable), but since then he has only made one other film which is a great pity. Of course, this is also a highly political film as you might expect and Arbelaez seamlessly ties together both themes. In the central role of Manuel, Hernan MauricioOcampo is quite superb and the film is beautifully photographed by Oscar Jiminez. Needless to say it wasn't widely distributed on its initial release but it cries out to be discovered.

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A theme that pops up at a relatively high rate in foreign films I watch is that of children trying to go about their lives with a turbulent world all around them. This film from Colombia portrays one boy, a nine year old, and his friends who just want to play futbol after school. They just want to be kids. And isn't that what we should wish for children, to have happy, playful lives growing up? It's not so easy when guerrillas and paramilitary harass and even kill those who don't ally themselves with one side or the other. Here in this remote part of Colombia it's "Join us or we kill you" or "You're still here so you must be a bad guy, we kill you." Very difficult to live a quiet, peaceful life. Why must there be such warring violence? What can you do except try to rise above it and live... or run away to where it's safer. Here in this village, they just want to go to school and play soccer and tend to their farms. Such genuine performances in this beautifully photographed film. Children who've never acted are some of the finest actors ever thanks to a director who doesn't force acting but allows it to happen so naturally. Our story never relies on sap to evoke emotion, nor does it include over usage of violence and death to get to the point -- just life through these children and their families and their brave teacher who tries so hard to give them normalcy. If this followed the yellow brick road to shangri-la, it would have a happy, hopeful ending. Unfortunately life does not always take that road. Sad because of the circumstances surrounding our characters but a story that I so very much appreciated seeing and will most definitely watch again!8.7 / 10 stars--Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener

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Luis Guillermo Cardona

The humble people of the countryside, mostly, not want anything to live at peace with his family and neighbors. Caring for chickens, planting your garden and extract the milk of the cow daily what help them raise their children, are your greatest aspirations. They send their children to school only because they understand that being illiterate involves some limitations, but most are content to learn the skills that help them survive in communion with the earth, plants and animals. The farmer did not understand much -or want to know- about politics, armed groups, no war, let alone understand the worries of power, expropriation and exile that encourage so many men who seem to have been dead soul. But, one day, the sun illuminating the land is colored gray, the rivers and crystal clear water not only flows but, every now and then, drag the dead body of someone who sided or simply refused to stand with one, and in the mountains, the wind does not blow with his characteristic freshness but ill-fated day brings news full of despair. But in the midst of so much pain and distress, children are happy knowing that not everything is perfect. Encouraged the game, the color of the valleys and mountains, the proximity of their pets, the affection of his parents ... and above all, friendship.It is in this environment, where the life of Manuel, the son of Ernesto and Miriam, for whom football has a great meaning, and whose father feels that "the community has nothing to do with the thing they (guerrillas and paramilitaries )". Julián is the big boy friend who collects different types of bullets that have cracked their land. And Genaro, whom they call "Little Light" is the albino child who trying to convince someone - without reason- that for this feature, your life expectancy will be short.Results of a long wait and a few frustrations, "COLORS OF THE MOUNTAIN" It was like those who spend bamboo growing roots long, drawing directions, and calculating the size of the sky, and then emerge with impetus and glory. And then, reaffirms that the great and worthy is almost always the result of an big effort. Emotional and convincing interpretations of those small, without any acting experience, won a huge natural. Well, once more, Hernán Méndez (recycleman memorable in "La primera noche"), as the loving father of small Manuel. And good for Natalia Cuellar, the beautiful teacher who seeks to restore hope of peace to children. This is one of the best, poignant and true stories are told in Colombian cinema. Any recognition that can be made will be well deserved.

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Andres C.

This is an excellent Colombian movie, this film is a great Master piece. Here you can see the cruel reality for some farmers in this country when they try to live between the guerrilla and the paramilitary. It's so sad but it's a reality for thousands of farmers. The role of this kids is excellent, they are a natural actors and you can see that real friendship between them.In my personal opinion this is the best film from this country in the last years because this film is a little mirror in the life of "desplazados por la violencia". And this topic is very important in. These days here in my country, it's a picture of our contemporany reality.

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