The Cohasset Snuff Film
The Cohasset Snuff Film
NR | 31 October 2012 (USA)
The Cohasset Snuff Film Trailers

In 2009, the small town of Cohasset, Massachusetts was rocked with tragedy. A 17-year-old high school senior named Collin Mason murdered three classmates. All the murders were videotaped and uploaded to the Internet via bit torrent sites and for three days, the world viewed the murders of these three innocent teens. Through legal action, the parents of the victims were able to remove all footage from the Internet and the town tried to save face by pretending it never happened. Bootleg copies of this footage are still passed around and downloaded through illegal means. The impact of this video is still being felt in Cohasset today. The video has become infamous, and is now referred to as The Cohasset Snuff Film.

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As a huge fan of found-footage, this has got to be one of the worst, if not the worst, FF film I have ever seen. The lead was beyond incompetent, so much so that he actually ruined the film. His awkward pauses, and uninspired performance just made me laugh out loud, and not in a good way. It was like watching an amateur try to remember his lines. There were some convincing people in this movie, in particular, the rest of the high school cast. But when your lead is that untalented, how can you save the rest of the movie? It had great potential, but honestly, nothing good can be said about the actual finished product. It was just plain terrible. People really need to stop casting family members and friends in their movies, and find people with actual talent instead. It is a shame that the premise was wasted by such a horrible actor. Avoid this film and do not support such shoddy and poorly conceived film making.

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Shawn Stetsko

I think that the reason a lot of people gave this movie high credit is it is topical... dealing with school killings, which is sure to strike a chord with many Americans. I checked it out based on one such recommendation. I was told it was a daring insight into the mind of a school killer and that you could watch the decline of the kids mind through the progression of the story. Frankly... BS. The character's decline is more like one step from a comic villain into a only slightly more villainous comic villain, and the acting is so god awfully hammy I actual didn't know whether to find it funny or painful. A couple of the support characters don't do a bad job, although most are less than sterling performers... but the lead... :P All the director needed to add was a maniacal laugh as he wrings his hands. Nor is it daring. This has been done, several times, and several times it has been done so much better. Don't believe the hype... this movie is just tripe, but if you are an American teenager... well, you might think it is good.

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Erik Vanlier

Review by Golden State Haunts and Events"The Cohasset Snuff Film" is raw film making at its best. There are no Hollywood special effects or camera tricks typical of most horror films. Instead the movie plays it straight like a documentary. It is currently premiering at major cities across the US. Film goers will get to see the infamous film that accomplishes what it sets out to be.The controversial film takes you into the mind of 17 year old high school serial killer Collin Mason. Mason says that he know the difference between right and wrong but "doesn't care". That becomes apparent from the moment we first see him and he plans his "masterpiece", a documented series of killings that he's filming as part of the yearbook committee. Obviously his committee teammates don't know what he's up to until Collin finishes "the story".Director Edward Payson created what's sure to be an underground hit by making an intriguing film that makes one sympathize for the victims and question the motives of the killer. The interspersed interviews seen between the murders really makes viewers feel like they're somehow part of the story. "The Cohasset Snuff Film" is authentic film making that has you question some elements of society and delves into the psychology of what makes some people do the things they do.We recently saw the movie at its world premiere and didn't know exactly what to expect. As the movie progressed we realized this wasn't going to be your typical "lost tape" movie. The film doesn't take you on a roller coaster ride or keep you on the edge of your seat. Instead it has more of an "art house" feel and is a contemporary study of the human psyche. We enjoyed the film for its simplicity and reality and feel it has the potential to be a sleeper hit. "The Cohassett Snuff Film" is one of the top five independent horror films we've seen this year.

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I've seen a lot of horror films, from mainstream to low budget indie, but I won't call myself an expert. I will say though that if you go into this movie expect a gory, blood gushing slasher, you're not going to get what you are looking for. Perhaps the best way to describe this movie is more psychological thriller with a tinge of horror. This movies doesn't delve too deeply into the gruesome, but rather adheres to the old adage "what you don't see can scare you." It doesn't go for cheap jumps like most of the mainstream horror films do now but rather studies the inner workings of what drives people to commit these crimes through the "found footage" genre. While it may not be in the highest of production values, it does emphasize in the character and story structure which is what is needed in this genre. Take the time to watch this movie, but don't let it M. Night Shyamalan you into expecting what it isn't.

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