The show begins in 1984. Carrie Bradshaw (AnnaSophia Robb) is a 16 year old high school student in Castlebury, Connecticut. Her dad (Matt Letscher) is left alone with her and her little sister Dorrit (Stefania Owen) after the death of her mother. Sebastian (Austin Butler) is the new pretty boy with the troubled past. Her best friends Maggie (Katie Findlay) and Walt Reynolds (Brendan Dooling) are dating except she's sleeping with an older man and he's gay. Her other friends are the smart Mouse (Ellen Wong) and nemesis-turn-friend Donna LaDonna (Chloe Bridges). She tries to have a life in Manhattan with an internship at a law office which she quits for one at Interview magazine for her flaky boss Larissa (Freema Agyeman). In the second year, she meets wild Samantha Jones (Lindsey Gort).This show received lots of heat for not being a strict prequel to 'Sex and the City'. The tone is definitely a run-of-the-mill high school drama. It's pretty tame and unimpressive. I don't really care if it doesn't connect all the dots with SatC. However if the name isn't there, this is a very bland show. ASR is a very impressive young actress doing a solid job. Katie Findlay could be the next breakout star. She has a great story at the end of the first season. In fact, that was the only high point of the show. The rest is a passable affair.
... View MoreI agree with some of the reviews that the Carrie Diaries show has a good plot that does draw in its viewers. Unfortunately, the second season has made me less interested in viewing the show.I was very interested in the show, because it eluded to the Sex and the City TV show on HBO. Yes, the two shows are not supposed to be based on the same thing; however, this show uses the same characters and references from Sex and the City. Hence, people should expect viewers to want things to stay consistent with the original television broadcast.Nonetheless, Carrie Diaries begins very well and was quite captivating. Unfortunately, as I began watching the second season, Carrie became extremely annoying, primarily because her problems have the same routine in every episode -- she lies about how she feels, the problem builds, she explodes with the truth, and everyone is confused and mad. In special cases, she breaks up with someone... again. After about three episodes of the same thing, I was over it, especially since the script sounds like it is repeating itself. Her character has slowly become unrelatable. In fact, at this point, I have tried to skip through her parts and move onto the other characters, because their problems are more understandable and they have real drama happening.My last negative comment is that the second season had too much stuff crammed into one season. It was as though they wanted to touch on every major epidemic of the 80s in one season. They did not really build on these epidemics, which made it seem crammed and confusing.On a positive note, I absolutely love the actors in the show and the characters. I am not bashing their acting skills because AnnaSophia Robb is a great actress. Furthermore, I love the Larissa character and how everyone really works well together. It was simply the plot of the story. I would love for this show to have another season but with some alterations.P.S. : Also, I honestly thought it was too much having her younger sister have sex before even getting into high school. I understand that sex at that age happens, but it still should not be portrayed as a good thing like it was on the show.
... View MoreI never write reviews on IMDb, but after seeing horrible reviews, I had to do something. I have never watched SATC or the movies, but I wanted to watch this show because it looked like a good break from horror shows. First of all, the series is BASED on the book series of The Carrie Diaries, not the SEX AND THE CITY books/TV show/movies. And when you read the word based, it means that it won't be 100% accurate; that never happens when a book becomes a show/movie. I don't see why that would scare away some hardcore SATC fans, you're here to see how Carrie made it, not if she looks like SJP, or if his dad is present instead of her mom. And all those changes were made by Candace Bushnell, the author of SATC. So make your research before complaining. TCD delivers just the old-fashioned taste of a teen drama; no horror, no blood, just good drama about a group of teens and about their issues while they are on High School. AnnaSophia was the perfect choice to have her own show, I find her charismatic and an actress that can be the lead of a show. The rest of the cast is great too. The plot is awesome; there are not bad episodes, and week by week you want more and more! There's always something going on. Overall, I find this as my current favorite show because it's just a show that you don't take too seriously but you enjoy it because of all the 80's vibe, the cast and the stories. Give it a chance if you like teen shows!
... View MoreThis is a very weird show, as it is very "little girly" with the cute voice over, etc. Yet, there are some pretty racy type things..which is fine if you are older and watching this. But then, if you are going to cater to both young and older audience, then give us some real nostalgic authenticity. Because as a person who was this age in the 80's, there is nothing even remotely fun about watching the show from that viewpoint either. The props are not that accurate, the clothes are not accurate, the phrases are not accurate.. who used the phrase "drama queen" in the 80's? That came much later. So it isn't even fun to watch for nostalgia. I am a few episodes in, and haven't once thought "oh wow, I remember that!" The music is okay, but they could choose better moments with that too.. it just seems like the production crew isn't really in touch with this era.. at all. And the show doesn't really seem appropriate for young girls, so I really don't see where this is going. Hopefully they figure it out later.
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