The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia
The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia
| 29 October 2012 (USA)
The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia Trailers

Though up to 20% of students are dyslexic, many pass through school unidentified, misunderstood and performing below their potential. Paradoxically, these disorders are often found in highly intelligent, creative minds, and can also be seen as a gift, because many people with dyslexia naturally think outside the box and see the big picture, finding alternative solutions to problems that others might not see.


My daughter and I both viewed the film and we thought it was very validating as both of us are dyslexic. I helps others to understand what dyslexia is and what it is like to be dyslexic in mainstream schooling. I think a follow up should be done and maybe give others solutions that have worked for them such as Davis Dyslexia Strategies or many others.Maybe what it is like from a teachers perspective and the struggles they face including or altering their teaching style to help the dyslexic student succeed with confidence.The film shows us all that we have to follow the path that is right for us and we need to follow the gifts that help us be successful.

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The film does a great job at allowing the viewer to understand many of the challenges faced by dyslexics. Most don't realize what dyslexia really is and how many people it effects. I wish the film offered solutions or let people know that they can deal with dyslexia if their school teaches them correctly. People need to know that they can learn to read and spell much better if the proper method is used. Specifically the Orton-Gillingham method or the Wilson method works. Whole language method is an absolute failure for anyone with dyslexia or a dyslexia related issue. This film is inspiring for dyslexics but should be watched by all. Fight for your children. Don't let the school systems label your kid as LD, instead make sure they know your kid is dyslexic, and as such needs specific OG methods to learn properly.

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