The Bashful Buzzard
The Bashful Buzzard
G | 14 September 1945 (USA)
The Bashful Buzzard Trailers

Beaky Buzzard, the shyest, dopiest young buzzard in his family, is sent out to catch something to eat.

Tad Pole

. . . have for 2016, especially when viewed with the "storyboard reel" version of this animated short, anyone visiting this page may well ask. Can it be an uncanny Parable applying to the 2016 American Presidential Election Campaign? Famed Looney Tunes director Chuck Jones has opined elsewhere that the work of Warner Bros.' Brief Cartoon Division MUST be viewed in the political context in which the viewer is living. This requires reviewers to ask themselves, WWCT? (That is, What Would Chuck Think about THE BASHFUL BUZZARD, if he were alive today?) BASHFUL BUZZARD, for we 21st Century Citizens, centers around five brothers, who are easy to recognize as Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump (who are the leading contenders for the Presumptive-Elect Party--sorry, Governor-However-Your-Name-Is-Spelled, of Ohio, who's such a sore loser that he abdicates his duties as Party Host!). These competitive siblings' Mom gives them orders with her thick foreign accent. This makes "Mom" a dead ringer for Melania Trump, the recently crowned Spiritual Mother of Our Entire Republican Party. Since it might strike some viewers as unseemly for a Mother of Five to stuff four of her sons into her cooking pot, Trump's trouncing of Bush, Christie, Cruz, and Rubio during Primary Season is pictured as Ma Buzzard cramming three regularly-sized elephants and one tiny pachyderm (Little Marco, of course) into her cauldron to show how Donald stewed the stodgy GOP Establishment Elephants in Real Life. When Killer (which Melania endearingly pronounces "Keeler") Buzzard gets stung by a bee (doubtless Meghan Kelly), Ma Buzzard (Melania) slaps some sense into Keeler Trump, insisting that he bag bigger game from now on. Soon her Keeler returns to their Homeland with his talons sunk into a hideous, bloated two-faced dragon (Crooked Hillary, it should go without saying).

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Lee Eisenberg

As "The Bashful Buzzard" started, I thought that it was going to be a shot-for-shot remake of "Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid" for about the first minute. But when it started doing its own thing, I found it an OK cartoon, not great. Why is Beaky Buzzard - or Killer, if you want to call him that - such a lazy ignoramus? Who knows? They have to entertain us somehow.I certainly liked the sight of Beaky bringing some of those things home. If I'd been that Italian mother of his, I'd have told the father (who probably would have been a godfather) that the son isn't fit for missions.All in all, worth seeing. Available on YouTube.

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"Beaky Buzzard" was another Looney Tunes effort that never made it past a couple of efforts. This cartoon did offer some laughs, though.Mama buzzard, complete with a strong, stereotypical Italian accent, sends her four boys out on a mission - get food! Three of them head out in formation and start dive bombing immediately. The fourth is a shy little guy who sounds exactly like Edgar Bergen's ventriloquist character "Mortimer Snurd." He isn't just shy; he's just plain stupid. He's sarcastically called "killer."The cartoon started stupidly but did get funny when the buzzards started bringing back food to the nest high up in the mountains.What they brought back was astounding - and funny! Unfortunately, the 'toon reverts back to stupid near the end with the little guy inadvertently bringing back a surprise, but it's not really humorous. I can see why this idea didn't work.

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bob the moo

An Italian buzzard sends her four boys out to bring home the bacon (or rather, lamb). While her first three boys are tough as nails, her youngest is painfully shy and fairly inept when it comes to catching food. However, this might be the time that he manages to turn it around (with a little help).The films starts with a seemingly pointless mother buzzard with a thick mama-mia style accent for no real reason and continues through the film with the same lack of cohesion but still a certain amount of humour to it. The film centres on a slightly dopey, bashful little eagle that is trying to match his brothers for hunting ability. The film creates several imaginative moments but really doesn't make much sense. It is quite funny but never hilariously so.The mama-mia mother is the height of characterisation; both her and the bashful buzzard of the title are based on gimmicks rather than real personalities or characters, but that isn't really the point here.The film gets sillier as it goes without really getting much funnier. It is amusing and has some imagination but some of the gimmicks are a little daffy and are perhaps a little too goofy to be hilarious.

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