The Agronomist
The Agronomist
PG-13 | 23 April 2004 (USA)
The Agronomist Trailers

Documentary on Jean Dominique, Haitian radio personality and human rights activist.

Roland E. Zwick

Jonathan Demme's "The Agronomist" is a documentary about Jean Dominique, the Haitian civil rights leader and radio journalist who was gunned down by unknown assassins on April 3, 2000. A passionate believer in a free and open press, Dominique founded Radio Haiti in the early 1960's and became know as the "voice of the people" for over four decades of that nation's turbulent, strife-torn history. Through a succession of coups and counter-coups that seemed to forever rock the country, Dominique remained committed to securing freedom for the citizens of his beloved island nation, even if that meant having to do so as a frequent political exile living in the United States. That his own life ended tragically - as is so often the case when brave individuals step out to try to make the world a better place - is of less importance than that people of goodwill pick up the banner and carry forth his message of social justice and equality for all people. Demme has done just that by putting together this inspiring and thought provoking documentary.In constructing his film, Demme has chosen to rely primarily on the many interviews Dominique gave over the course of his lifetime. Thus, even though Dominique is dead, we are able to hear his story in his own words, a distinct advantage for those of us who knew little or nothing about the man and what he accomplished prior to our seeing this movie. We learn firsthand of all the dreams and fears, hopes and disappointments that came to define this one individual who truly made a difference in his world. In addition to these interviews, Demme also provides insights from Dominique's supportive wife and family as well as from some of the common folk in Haiti who were inspired by Dominique's vision.As the movie unfolds, Demme provides us with a well-delineated history of Haiti in the last half century, showing us the political turmoil and human suffering that have, sadly, come to define life in that benighted country. This includes the installation and overthrow of both Duvalier regimes ("Papa Doc" and "Baby Doc"), the election then overthrow of Aristide by the forces of Cedras, then the return to power of Aristide at the hands of an international force led by the United States. The saddest part of the movie comes near the end with the realization that, even with a democratically elected government in place, life has not become appreciably better for the average Haitian, for the violence, suppression and government corruption seem as intense today as at any time in Haiti's past.Still, despite these many setbacks, Dominique's vision of a world where every person is free to speak his mind without fear continues to flourish in the hearts of men and women everywhere. This film is a tribute to that spirit.

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He gave voice to the masses at a point in history when silence was the status quo and personified integrity where corruption has been the norm for so long. I did not know him personally, but I am one of so many touched by his courage and saddened by his untimely departure from this earth. This documentary is a must see masterpiece that depicts Jean Do for what he really was: "a true Haitian Hero and a giant among men". It is cinematographic poetry from the mind of a genius about a man of a rare specimen that nature produces a few of. When taking into account the current situation in the island, one cannot help wondering whether Jean Dominique was the last of an endangered specie. Death is not a defeat but a guarantee to immortality to the righteous.

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I spent quite a bit of time in Haiti when I was a child in the late sixties until the last time I went down there when I was in my early 20's, just after Baby Doc left the country. The memories are a combination of the most magical place on earth and the most tragic. I think many people who had contact with Haiti would say the same. The Agronomist is the story of a true Haitian hero and the ultimate price he paid for his passion to inform and enlighten the forgotten masses of people by running the only Creole radio station on the island. The tragedy is so many other well intention Haitians have paid the same price from a series of brutal dictators, who like usual have been supported and backed by other countries like the US and France (where you can see photos of Baby Doc on the ski slopes, while Jean-Bertrand Aristide got dropped in the middle of the Congo by our Compassionate Conservative idiots) The truth of the movie lies in fact then whenever there is a glimpse of hope some external events end up crushing it again and again. The film reminded me of my departed father, who had the guts to bring his family down to a magical place where its beauty is rivaled by its poverty. As a child I played in the streets with all the other children and blew any change I had on soda and chewing gum we would all share. You don't get that experience at Disneyland, thanks dad.

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I saw Jonathan Demme's documentary at Cinequest 2004 last night. Wound up in the front row of a small theater (and for a film with subtitles, I *REALLY* advise against this), but I still am very glad I caught the film.Demme has taken some interesting side trips from his Hollywood career. Quite the "maverick" a phrase that Cinequest likes to tout. I sure would like to come across some old episodes of "Live from Off Center" as an example. I have seen Demme's Spaulding Grey (RIP), Talking Heads and bits of his Robyn Hitchcock documentaries...The object of his latest documentary, Jean Dominique radiates charisma. This is amplified by clever repeat cutting at times (Dominique sniffing trouble in the wind, Dominique mouthing the machine gun rat-a-tat-tat of soldiers shooting at the radio station he ran in Haiti, Dominique emulating creole non-verbal utterings yet laced with meaning.)Dominique's exuberance may put some off, as his flair runs towards flamboyance; however for me it simply made for a very engaging hour and a half. In addition to interviews with Dominique directly, we are also treated to footage from his earlier attempt at a career in film. Footage of the mud ritual at Saut d'Eau was spellbinding for me. Other sadly familiar shots of violent rampaging on the streets of Haiti are kept mercifully minimal, but strong enough to disturb the viewer.And indeed, we should be disturbed. The details of Dominique's efforts are sadly all too lacking. We get a cursory indictment of an American cowboy president, "you know him?" Dominique questions with a grin. An alignment with peasants in the outlying areas and Dominique is shown and supported. I was confused by problems importing ethanol as a beverage, versus the locally produced clairin. (I've since learned that some people and senators, drink ethanol straight without gasoline mixed in).There is an all-too-short radio interview with Aristide (who as of this writing has recently been removed again from power in Haiti).We sense Dominique's aggravation with the situation, but never come near what he would propose as a solution. There are blanket statements against say the bourgeoisie that made me curious. How large is said class? Is not Dominique a member of it? Maybe as a reporter he attempted to never cross that imaginary line of subjective versus objective reporting? That does not seem likely. I wish we had seen and heard more from him (and that interview with Aristide, and one with Charlie Rose, etc...)Perhaps Demme meant this strictly as an homage to a man and his family. His wife and daughter and sister all add interesting anecdotes to the film. Or maybe Demme just offered this to spur further interest in Haiti. I do not know enough, I remain stupefied that the Dominican Republic can share an island with Haiti but not share the strife. And thanks to this film, I did some poking around and learned about the story of Mackandal. Amazing!Ultimately for me, the film certainly did insure the importance of a free press.....and radio and internet and other public media. I was buoyed by Dominique's grin and general enthusiasm, despite the grim history of Haiti. The way he seemed to feed off his outrage and not be overcome by it was fascinating to me.Both form and certainly content garner a 7/10

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