The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
PG | 25 December 2013 (USA)
The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared Trailers

After living a long and colorful life, Allan Karlsson finds himself stuck in a nursing home. On his 100th birthday, he leaps out a window and begins an unexpected journey.

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I felt like I was watching a Swedish version of Forrest Gump, which made the length of the film tiresome. The humor wasn't particularly witty or clever, but mostly based on violence and racist depictions of other cultures and non-white people. The surprises in the story line and vague historical references were what saved it and made it somewhat entertaining, but again, falling too heavily on killing people as a comedic device. not one i'll come back to.

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I love watching movies with subtitles, and I'm very comfortable with profanity and with bizarre, absurd behavior. What I couldn't take about this movie was the terrible old-man makeup globbed like plaster on an actor who was obviously no older than about 50, and a robust, athletic 50 at that. Because of the stupid-looking, distracting makeup on a burly, middle-aged actor who could climb out windows and run, I could not for a second believe that that character was a real human being.If a movie is centered on an unbelievable character it just doesn't work for me. What the character DOES can be completely absurd, but who that character IS just has to seem real for a movie to work. A movie titled The 100-Year-Old Man cannot work unless it's possible to believe that the man is 100 years old.

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Ole Sandbaek Joergensen

I heard that the book behind this was really something different, told in a great way and really captured the reader with crazy tales, so I was hoping that the film would be a great experience, even though I had not read the book.This is great, really funny and different, he has really lived life to the fullest and experienced great things :) and he still is through out this film. It is a kind of Forest Gump film, but with a Scandinavian twist and humor, it works out really well and Allan is like Forest in many ways, he is telling his story as he experienced it, it is ordinary and quite simple to him, but it is spectacular for us as the viewer and strange in some ways and deliberately or not funny.You should watch it, it is really fun.

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Robert W.

I remember reading the back of the book this was based on awhile ago and thinking how great this sounded. I never got around to reading it and when I spied this movie based on it, I was overjoyed!! I didn't even know this has been made. The film does not disappoint. It is a fun, fast paced, ridiculous adventure not unlike a more subtle Forrest Gump and with a little less serious tone. There are some life lessons here to be learnt but its not specifically trying to teach us anything. It is just trying to have a good time so sit back and relax and laugh at the often disturbing dark humour and hilarious comedy of errs. This has all the earmarks and feel of a classic satire and the cast is so fantastic. I think with a slightly higher budget it could have been even better but they do a great job with what they're given. If you're not a fan of foreign films, don't balk at this because much of it is in English and the dialogue and script is brilliant. There are some incredibly memorable moments and lines and a crazy cast of characters that won't seen be forgotten. I will forever remember Allan Karlsson saying "if you want to kill me, you better hurry, I'm 100 years old." Robert Gustafsson is absolute perfect. First of all the make up job they do on him as the 100 year old is amazing and he perfectly manages to play Allan across many, many decades and is believable. Its nice not to have different actors playing the same role to make youth believable. Allan is simple minded in some ways and just has this distinctive "I don't care/roll with the punches attitude" that doesn't change and makes him incredibly hilarious and fun. Iwar Wiklander is fantastic as Allan's partner in crime so to speak. His character is a little underdeveloped but they have great chemistry and he has some truly terrific moments. David Wiberg is also really great as the metaphorically lost guy looking for the meaning of life. Wiberg's character is the perfect balance to the other characters. Mia Skäringer plays the reluctant female drawn into the men's crazy adventure and falls for Wiberg. Being one of the only females in the film she holds her own and has some great moments of her own. Jens Hultén is one of my favourite characters especially following his amnesia and he plays a great part too. Alan Ford adds a needed part of the villain to the story and while he has very little screen time or development, he does it well.This really is the definition of ensemble cast. Foreign films are often this way but everyone works together to make you laugh, smile, be shocked and just go along for the ride. Elephant shot in the butt? Stolen mobster money? A detective chasing them all across country? Budding romance? A 100 Year old man that just wants to be left alone? This is just simply fun. You can turn this on, sit back and have a great time. This honestly should do wonders for director Felix Herngren's career because he handles the film well, tells an incredible story and holds it all together flawlessly. If you're looking for something different but fun and entertaining you found it here!! Check this one out!! 8/10

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