| 04 October 2012 (USA)
Thanatomorphose Trailers

Bruised from a night of rough sex, a young woman is shocked to find that her body, rather than healing itself, has inexplicably begun to rot. Swept up in the strange sensual experiences brought on by her slowly decaying form, she tries desperately to cling to her new existence — even as the putrid meat sack that was once her young body begins to literally fall off her bones...


Many comments on this film out there have been derogative, blaming its slow tempo and overall lack of action. I guess these critics just missed the point entirely. Thanatomorphose is NOT a movie about zombies. Viewers should not expect to see Romero-style walking dead running, or shambling after their prey. The slow tempo is, IMO, completely intentional, in phase with the actual body decomposition process... Interestingly, the process starts concurrently with the discovery, by the female sculptor, or her sudden lack of interest in her art. Also, and that's the main flaw of the movie for me, the connexion between the decomposition process and the growing lust is obvious, but difficult to grasp for the viewer. I guess the whole movie is probably a metaphor for aging: the body corruption is inevitable, while both feeling of love and lust -which are recurrent in Thanatomorphose- might grow stronger in some cases. Beyond these comments, a warning to all would-be viewers: it's a tough one to watch. Put it this way: if you watch it with your friends next Friday, and none of them makes fun of you after it, then they are REAL friends...

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I watched this movie straight after finishing watching another movie ...called " Thanatomorphose (2012)"Its about a young woman who's body starts to decompose.. not much of a storyline but the gore was 8/10 and special effects 8/10.. its similar in many ways and if u might not yet have watched it, i would like to mention it in this reviewIts worth watching but NOT the type of horror movie you could watch once a time is enough to get its point across.. and it intrigued me as to how far this movie would go, and i wasn't disappointed if you liked this movie then try watch "Thanatomorphose" freaky how similar they both are...

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Tim McGahren

This movie was another waste of time, and I see the horror aficionados are here trying to make a silk purse out of a sh*t shingle. Circle the wagons boys! Horror is being threatened by reasonable reviews. Really, have you ever in your entire life met any girl who knew how to dress herself properly and brush her teeth not go to a damn doctor the second some tiny little thing was wrong with her? Ever? What BS. Plot; stupid girl does non-plausible stuff (like rotting and not doing anything about it). Whole story made me want to knock some sense into her. The only realistic thing is how all the guys she sleeps with are all total a**holes, just like the ladies do in real life. Totally stupid film, but here is how it should have been written; woman begins to rot to death. No one knows what to do, we see the interactions between her and her friends, and family. She is blamed for her own problem, people desert her for various reasons, causing her to die inside as well. We are surrounded by feelings of helplessness of the greatest doctors in the world, specifically one we get to know. We see the horror from her side of her impending death and from others for for the helpless victim, and the feelings of futility and lack of ability to stop the process from the attending doctor's side. Slow burn. The final image is the doctor leaving the rotting body of the dead young woman, and he looks into the mirror only to see the process beginning on himself. There I just wrote a more engaging movie in 2 minutes than this waste of time. Horror 'writers', try actually doing more than a drawn out gimmick, and write. A better horror film is Pieces of Talent.

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There is no reason on earth to sit through this God awful movie. I somehow made it to the end, with deep regrets for wasting my valuable time. A woman living alone in an apartment, where the entire film takes place; I guess the director had a very small budget, has sex with a very nasty man who treats her badly. After he leaves, the woman's health problems begin. With no explanation, a fingernail falls out, she vomits repeatedly and clumps of hair come off of her scalp. Black and blue marks appear all over her body. Instead of visiting a hospital, our heroine just wanders from room to room while naked, and nothing to remedy the situation. Maggot crawl from open sores and blood oozes out, landing on the hard wood floors. A couple of male friends appear and try to help, but they do not succeed. The music is loud and intrusive, and the flashes in between look like Nine Inch Nails videos from The Downward Spiral. Buy that album, but avoid this garbage.

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