Terror at Blood Fart Lake
Terror at Blood Fart Lake
| 19 June 2009 (USA)
Terror at Blood Fart Lake Trailers

When a group of college pals retreats to an isolated cabin for a rowdy weekend of debauchery and carnal pleasures, a madman dons his creepy scarecrow costume and begins to prey upon the unsuspecting youths in unusually creative ways.


TERROR AT BLOOD FART LAKE is another moronic escapade from indie director Chris Seaver. Once again he gets a bunch of mates to hook up at a lakeside location, where they swap stupid one-liners and gross out comedy until the final, thankful closing credits. Half the cast hide behind masks and fake facial hair and you can't blame them because this truly is the pits, the kind of film made with zero redeeming features.

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I saw this on a Bad Movie Night expecting some horrible schlock filmed on a handicam like "Taintlight". I saw the Low Budget Picture logo and went "huh boy, Taintlight time..." This is not "Taintlight". I actually laughed at this, a lot. I found almost every line of dialog genuinely clever. It was almost too clever for a production this small. Like, "why couldn't they raise higher than a handicam budget with writing this solid?"Everyone is doing an improvised caricature like a parody of Old Hollywood. Had these performances been delivered by name actors with a wink, it would probably be a guilty pleasure, direct-to-video staple. "It could be bigger than Leonard Part 6!" - a line from the film. But there's something very real and charming about their averageness. It makes it unique.I feel like more people aren't seeing this and that sucks. You will laugh the whole time, no joke. "You wanna take a spooky walk down a mysterious trail?" Please do, fun times ahead.

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Oh my dear, sweet, Lord no!! No!! One Hundred Thousand times no!! What happened here? How many silly puns, wacky voices and pointless references to other movies does one need to make a worthwhile B-Horror flick these days? Seriously, I want an explanation. You understand, this isn't Ed Wood bad, this isn't H.G. Lewis bad or Lloyd Kaufman bad. This isn't even Ray Dennis Steckler bad. This is super bad, this is Seaver bad.We begin with reason to stop watching #1, meet Hambone. Go ahead, Hambone, say your name a few more times, Hambone, I'm sure it'll eventually be funny. No, wait, too late...Before his much-deserved demise, Hambone invited his friends out to his cabin for the weekend, most of which talk with painfully wacky voices, painful like fingernails on a chalk-board while A Night To Dismember is playing.Hambone's friends include 80's Guy, empty-headed 80's guy, outlandish Goth-Hog, eager-actress, Regular-Guy (frightrags.com), and of course, the host, Mr. Fruity-Fro, who is, by far, the highlight of the night.And I think there's even a storyline. A killer, or something. Yeah, some Scarecrow-thing, who always has something witty to say. The tagline is as follows, "One part Friday The 13th, one part Ernest Goes To Camp, and 3 parts cream cheese. A more appropriate tagline, you ask? "The ultimate sin against film-making!!"It makes me sick to even think about it. My B-Horror collection has reached an all-time low. In fact, some of my other low-budget Horror DVD's have a certain stench to them now, just from being on the same shelf. Come to think of it, my whole house stinks now. I heard about this Chris Seaver guy a while back. I was tempted to try out one of his earlier movies called Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker, but never got around to it. Jeepers, I sure am glad, instead I bought the much, much more expensive Terror At Blood Fart Lake. I was so willing to give this Seaver guy a chance, because God Knows I love B-Horror, but this one is just too much to ask. Really uncool, Seaver, really uncool. To be blunt, Chris Seaver should be ashamed of himself, that is, unless he's in elementary school or something, in that case, congratulations are certainly in order, young man. But if you're in your 30's, like I suspect you are, then you owe me and at least a few other unfortunates a written apology, and a refund wouldn't hurt, but I'll settle for an apology. Regardless of what this guy's deal is, I still take full responsibility for my poor judgement, and not to mention, my wastefulness, I mean, with the shape the economy is in and all. With so many out of work, so many people having to do without, but me? I spend nearly $30 on a movie called Terror At Blood Fart Lake, which, come to find out, is a whole lot worse than it sounds. After this, I might just take a break from my B-Horror collection for awhile, in fact, the Highschool Musical Trilogy is sounding better and better. Thank's again, Seaver, thank's for nearly ruining my love for B-cinema. For anyone else who may dig the shlock, turn around, run away, and never look ba...Oh, who the hell am I kidding? I love this movie...A shocking change-of-heart.Alright, fine!! I'ts a good movie!! I don't know what I was thinking. My apologies to Chris Seaver and his talented cast, assuming any of you good people ever read my misguided hate from earlier. I'll admit, I got a little carried away with my original reaction, but after several more viewings, LBP actually won me over. I totally get it now, this movie is hilarious, this movie is a masterpiece, and I love everything about it!! Not only do I now plan on buying Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker, but I am now going to make it a priority to add every Chris Seaver film I can find to my collection. At first glance, Terror At Blood Fart Lake may appear to be worthless garbage, but just give it a chance, and it just might prove to be worthwhile trash, and a future classic of Exploitation. So, just ignore the hate and check it out. Long live LBP!!! 10/10

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Somebody once said that Hollywood bad is pretty bad but indie bad is worst. After seeing this piece of... film-making I totally agree. Anyone who bothers watching this will endure almost 40 minutes of the most inane and overdone "acting" and "dialog" before any action occurs. Definitely not good for a film that runs 75 minutes. Admittedly I'm not the hugest fan of camp however I'll sit down and watch Adam West's Batman or Barbarella if it happens to be on. The camp factor here is easily twice to three times more than either of those films. Add to that is the blatant annoyance factor for example: one of the characters constantly turns to the camera to speak to the audience.Obviously overdoing it was the point but it just killed the experience for me within the first 5 minutes. Sometimes less is more.

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