Terrahawks: Expect the Unexpected
Terrahawks: Expect the Unexpected
| 15 November 1983 (USA)
Terrahawks: Expect the Unexpected Trailers

The first four episodes of Gerry Anderson's 1980s Supermarionation series. In 'Expect the Unexpected (Part 1)' Queen Zelda attacks and destroys a NASA Mars expedition. 'Expect the Unexpected (Part 2)' sees Zelda offer to make peace with the Terrahawks. 'Thunder Roar' finds the Terrahawks battling the mighty Sram, Lord of Felony. 'Close Call' has an investigative reporter threatens to expose the Terrahawks on worldwide television.


This show is so under-rated, and I'm glad other people here know how to speak through their mouths, as they have praised it (they deserve a wonderful life, full of blessings). I'm not generally a Gerry Anderson fan (the only other show of the genre that I love is Starfleet, the Japanese puppet series from the same era as Terrahawks). Getting Terrahawks back in my life is one of the best things that has happened to me this century. I love the music, the zeroids, Yung-Star (I would marry him if I wasn't so reluctant to have the most ghastly mother-in-law possible!), and Mary. My favourite Kate Kestrel songs are Responsible, and Be My Star Tonight.I ask you, what other programme has robots as adorable as the zeroids? Not Stink-ray or Chunderbirds, for sure. I'm definitely a hawk-brain, not a bird-brain!

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Raven Black

Contrary to other user reviews, I find Terrahawks far more enjoyable than Thunderbirds and Stingray, and a little more enjoyable than Captain Scarlett. The plots of Thunderbirds always seemed very one-dimensional, with the good-guys consistently getting on with each other and being good. Terrahawks has a little more depth to the characters, and some splendidly horrible running jokes (Tiger's consistent failure to beat the high-score on his game, the horrific mocking of Hiro's 'accent' ("Exactry!"), and the rivalry between the football Sgt. Zero and the speciesist Tiger).The plots also get a bit darker, later in the series, which adds further depth, and brings it closer to the more compelling style of Captain Scarlett, without giving up the humour.For Americans, trained by Hollywood to always expect a fluffy happy original-Star-Trek ending, I recommend Thunderbirds. For anyone who'd prefer a bit more of a Blake's 7 or Babylon 5 puppet show, I recommend Terrahawks.

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Big Movie Fan

Compared to classics such as Thunderbirds, Stingray and Captain Scarlet, Terrahawks paled in comparison. However, to be fair, let's judge it on it's own merits. Perhaps comparing an 80's puppet show to a 60's puppet show isn't ethical.Terrahawks featured a military unit called Terrahawks (led by Dr. Tiger Ninestein) against an evil alien called Zelda (easily the ugliest character in any TV show) and her even uglier son Yung-Star. Zelda is one of these aliens who won't settle down and get a hobby, preferring to conquer the Earth instead (I wonder what these aliens do for fun after they've conquered a whole planet). Anyway, Ninestein and his Terrahawks Unit (which included characters such as ace pilot Hawkeye) battled the evil forces of Zelda each week. Joining the Terrahawks were two annoying but loveable robots Sgt. Major Zero and Space Sgt. 101 who were usually getting on Ninestein's nerves.The show does seem rather dated now. A new process was used in the TV show-supermacromation where the puppets didn't have strings(unlike Supermarionation which used strings in the 60's shows and paradoxically, looked better). I don't know if I'd enjoy it if I watched it now. And whilst it was largely enjoyable, it was lacking that certain something that seperates a good TV show from a really great TV show.But, all in all, kids will love it and it did have it's moments. Enjoy!

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Sic Coyote

I've just purchased a copy of 'Terrahawks' from my local blockbuster as they are getting rid of all their old tapes (b@st@rds) and it's the first time I've seen this in years. It's GREAT! Although this seems to be the forgotten Gerry Anderson series I think it's one of the best, the bad guys really are quite scary lookin. The ships are great! Those ball things rolling about the place if dead cool! It's all very sci-fi! If you liked the Thunderbirds and you get a chance to see this, DO SO because you won't regret it, I just wish I had more tapes!

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