Ten Dead Men
Ten Dead Men
R | 26 April 2008 (USA)
Ten Dead Men Trailers

You can’t outrun your past. That is the extremely painful lesson that Ryan is learning right now, as specters of his past life of crime have returned to haunt him, destroying the only person he holds dear, and nearly killing him in the process. Ryan decides that if he cannot escape then he must confront them head-on in what can only be called a desperate suicide run.


This film is so utterly dreadful that I couldn't finish it. It's obvious that the "actors" were just martial artists plucked from a gym and had no acting ability whatsoever. There's been no story development past whatever gangster films the writer/director and producer decided to use elements of and lastly there's a voice-over ... which made me cringe every time I heard it, and insisted on telegraphing the story.The story is not so much conveyed to us, but dictated to us which is just sloppy. Didactic films are not the way to go here.It's at that point I stopped the DVD and checked out the IMDb. Guys, you proudly proclaim that this is your 40th film together. Did you actually bother learning anything from the previous 39? Things that are essential in film-making such as story, character, frame composition, lighting, sound design, music and directing? It's obvious that while you have the talent (or luck) to get projects off the ground, you've no idea about how to execute a film.In summation, either watch a bunch of really good films and learn to see how they work ... or just stop now and let other people have a go. I really hope this isn't representative of your body of work but i've an odd feeling it is.

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Know of this film from reading Impact magazine in the UK, bought a copy when I went over to the States this week… Being a fan of Left For Dead all I can say is Wow! 10 Dead Men is well wicked… much better than Left For Dead (which I liked a lot also). If you like bloody over the top action movies that are just relentlessly violent from start to finish then this is the film for you.Brendan Car is rock hard scary and even Lee from UK band Steps is pretty good. It's got Silvio Simac (Transporter 3), Pooja Shah (Eastenders) and loads of faces from Brit films and TV such as Chris Jones, Glenn Salvage, Terry Stone and more.This is a well wicked movie that any action fan should watch.

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I never give up on a film, but I jacked this one in after only 20 Min's just now. Bad camera shots, equally bad editing and sound post production. The score is one of the worst I've ever heard. I really could knock up up better one right now (even the instruments/sounds used are cheap ass midi tacky rubbish).And to cap it all, (bearing in mind this is meant to be a hard bloke sorta film), it's only got Lee Latchford-Evans from a crappy British Village People-esquire pop band called 'Steps' that destroyed the airwaves for a good ten years or so.. trying to act hard/gangster. Even if your not British and don't know who he is, it's still not gonna sit right.I get the feeling the whole thing is devised and made by inexperienced, retired cage fighters still high on after show testosterone fuelled steroid binges.

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Ten Dead Men is an amazing achievement on a slender budget. The fight scenes have the imagination and delivery of a budget 1000 times as high. I liked the Bourne-style fighting - not always resorting to guns. Which can be a bore - especially if you are the one shot. There's a nice comic angle from two of the thugs reminiscent of the Diamonds Are Forever guys. I'm a bit a stickler for dialogue and delivery so would have liked to have seen a bit more work in this area however the classic revenge premise keeps things moving along nicely. Ten Dead Men is certainly not for the faint-hearted as there's a high gore count and graphic visuals of the hero gouging a bullet out of his stomach. It's good that Brit movies are still getting made independent of the big boys and you will be hearing more from director Boyask and writer Regan.

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