Sugar Daddies
Sugar Daddies
| 23 December 2014 (USA)
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When a girl with a promising future finds herself in financial straits, she makes an agreement with an older man and struggles to keep it secret.


Taylor Gildersleeve and Peter Strauss star in this Lifetime movie entitled "Sugar Daddies".It tells the story of a college pre-law student Kara Jones,who happens to be strained with student loans together with her family considering her dad is strained huge medical bill,decided to become a mistress to an old rich man named Grant Zager,who pays her a huge amount of money every month just to sleep with him.Everything seems alright after she got paid at least $5,000 a month and a new Mercedes Benz until her friend Lea got murdered when they were taken home by Grant.No question that this Lifetime TV movie tells a story with a lesson of morality especially among the young generation who prefers to earn money the easiest way possible.It was also nice to see how Kara's parents showed their daughter particularly her father being against her work as a mistress.Finally,it also provides the viewer a glimpse of the American society on how education and health bills can really put a strain to one person or one family.

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What to do when you have money issues? Work it before you lose it (I may be miss-quoting one of the characters, but you get the point). Not that it is explicitly shown, though there is one pivotal scene where you see a bit more (no "nudity" that would require an R-rating, though this was made for TV anyway, not HBO).Apart from that there are not many Highlights, if you even want to call that a Highlight. You can be sure that this is predictable, although you can't fault the actors, they are trying the best they can. Still this isn't really worth your time, apart from watching beautiful looking people with non-issues and dialog that is cringe-worthy at best

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Well I got more than expected from this one. I caught it on t.v. at around 3:00 a.m. and I had a good time because the pace is smooth, there are plenty of sexy moments, interesting facts about real life sugar daddies, and how some young women would do anything to live like the rich. The script is pretty straight forward but the twist regarding a murder raised the intensity of the pace so the audience can be really interested. Taylor Gildersleeve is a very good actress and her performance is the highlight of the movie. She's sexy, looks vulnerable, and at some point, she's brave. Thank you Ms. Gildersleeve for wearing those short and skimpy outfits :)

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Pretty pre-law co-ed Taylor Gildersleeve (as Kara Jones) explains how difficult it is to make money, then she gets into a dark, foreboding car. One month earlier, we see Ms. Gildersleeve has lost her job as a waitress. Law school is expensive and her auto-mechanic father James C. Burns (as Barry Jones) needs money for medical bills. He may lose the family home. Naturally, Gildersleeve goes out with one of her girlfriends to one of those places where old people hook up with much younger sex partners, for big bucks. Initially reluctant, Gildersleeve is hired by one of the wealthiest seniors in the room, "fossilized" investor Peter Strauss (as Grant F. Zager)...Other than being unavailable on her dad's birthday party, the arrangement works out well. At $5,000 a pop, Gildersleeve has hit the "sugar daddy" jackpot. Alas, this being a "Lifetime" TV movie, things start to go wrong. Gildersleeve loses sexy young boyfriend Griffin Freeman (as Justin). Her life gets even worse when old Mr. Strauss declares, "I like to be choked." For the first half, this is a silly and unconvincing morality drama. With some funny lines ("He's a lonely old man with a drawer full of Viagra"), writer Barbara Kymlicka keeps it running. Later on, director Doug Campbell arrests dwindling interest with "three-way" helper Samantha Robinson (as Lia).***** Sugar Daddies (12/23/14) Doug Campbell ~ Taylor Gildersleeve, Peter Strauss, James C. Burns, Samantha Robinson

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