Sucker: The Vampire
Sucker: The Vampire
| 22 January 1998 (USA)
Sucker: The Vampire Trailers

Working as henchman to the lead singer of the vampire rock group "Plasma", Reed Buccholz's [Mex Erkiletian] job has definite high points, like finding sexy girls to bring home for Anthony [Yan Birch] and being able to photograph and have sex with their blood-drained bodies prior to disposing of them in the morgue of the hospital where Reed holds a daytime job as a nurse. Vampire hunter Vanessa Helsing [Monica Baber] has dedicated her life to destroying vampires, in particular Anthony, the vampire who killed her famous father. So far, she has managed to destroy Seth and Tobin, the band's lead guitarist and drummer, but she hasn't gotten to Anthony yet.


Here's one of the more underseen Troma movies out there. But also a fine example of a film which doesn't quite live up to its premise. And the premise being "Vampire catches AIDS". A hard premise to screw up. Not to say Sucker screws it up, exactly. But I expected something more than this when I first saw it in 1998. The idea of a vampire contracting the aids virus sounded a bit more taboo way back then, so, of course I had certain expectations for this film that weren't exactly met. But have recently given it a rewatch. And despite still being a tad underwhelming, it really is a fun little film. Sucker: The Vampire focuses on the growing friendship of a vampire and his awkward henchman. A friendless loser, and raging Necrophiliac named Reed, who vaguely resembles a werewolf but isn't one. Just a tool, really. He seems to want to be Anthony's buddy pretty bad, but of course the brooding creature of the night isn't interested. He just needs him to dispose of the corpses of the hot young ladies that he sucks dry on a nightly basis. which is the perfect job for Reed, being that he gets to stick it to them good before sending them to their final resting place.Once Anthony catches the aids and seeks advice from his dimwitted henchman, Reed is there for his master like a real friend should be. Although, he's a bit concerned that the may also have aids, now, due to all the corpse loving he does, which leads to an awkward little scene between the two where Anthony gets all huffy and self righteous when he learns of his henchman's fetish. But slowly, they form a warm friendship as Anthony lets his guard down along with his immune system. Bonding over aids, so to speak. And Reed proves to be a true friend to Anthony until the bitter end.One of the many overlooked Troma movies to come out of the 90's, Sucker is a pretty cool Horror comedy. Although, it could have stood to be a little less silly and a little more surreal which is what I expected for some reason. The premise alone is funny enough without so many attempts at goofy humor. However, this movie's attempt at making AIDS funny without making fun of those who have AIDS is accomplished rather well. Sucker is nothing mindblowing, but for those Troma fans who think they've seen it all, here's a little gem you might have missed. 4/10

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I am surprised to see this film receive such a low rating here on IMDb. For what it is (a low budget horror-comedy), it's great! The plot is solid and most of the characters are fantastic. The highlight of the film is Reed Buccholz, the wacky lovable vampire sidekick. The movie will keep you entertained to say the least. The production values are not bad at all and many of the shots are actually quite nice. I was hoping for a Sucker II, but I haven't heard anything about a sequel in a long time.Fans of b-movies, you will surely enjoy this. If you are looking for a truly scary film or something more mainstream, this is not for you.

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Invite Sucker to enter your home and you are in for 91 minutes of freaky fun.Bent in the best possible way, this movie is stolen by Reed, who instead of stealing bodies, "donates" them to the hospital where he works.Alex Erkiletian is Reed and he is a riot! Great comedic timing. But he has his sensitive side too.All in all, very entertaining. I'll watch it again a few more times.

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This movie is so awesome, Reed is a awesome character! He's works as a henchman for Anthony who's a vampire, his daily routines are working at the hospital and dealing with his ass-hole boss and disposing of the dead bodies in which Anthony sucks the blood out of, and when Anthony finds out he has AIDS Reed jumps to the rescue, the movie is packed with comedy, sick humour and all the things that the Troma Team are famous for!. The Troma Team made a great choice by picking up this title for their ever expanding libary of classic independant Art!...I can't wait for SUCKER 2!...Also check out the Sucker DVD for the hilarious commentary track!.....Long Live Seed Productions!!10/10!

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