Lured by false promises, the internet reviewers find themselves summoned to suburban Illinois to embark upon a quest for a powerful gauntlet. They have to LARP in order to have a chance of finding it, which is where the second word in the title comes from, and they're split into two groups, so it doesn't grow stale. But is it entirely safe? And who is the mysterious sunglassed, leather-coat-wearing black guy who keeps appearing ? If you are not already a fan of the people involved, this is not for you, simple as that. It devotes no time to explaining who they are, and this is not produced to show off talents, but to have fun. And both they and us do. Since the trailer gives away who they choose to portray, I will do the same: Spoony is Gandalf(and the Gatecleaner, his take on Nightmare, the VHS-driven boardgame, and acts as the RPG nerd), NC is Link(from Zelda), Joe is Inigo Montoya(you killed his *insert incorrect family member here*, prepare to die!), Linkara is King Arthur, Nostalgia Chick is Arwen(Elvish princess of LOTR), Benzaie is Conan, Sage is Aslan(from Narnia), Phelous is The Rock Biter(Neverending Story), MarzGurl is Princess Mononoke, FilmBrain and Luke Mochrie are Harry Potter(the two are rivals for Doug's favor), CS is Indiana Jones, Obscurus Lupa is a fairie tale princess(probably Disney's Snow White), 8-Bit Mickey is Peter Pan, and the second size-joke of the duo has Handsome Tom as Willow(literally a small role, he doesn't want to act that much... on that, the performances vary greatly), Paw is Jeremy Irons in Dungeons and Dragons, Todd is Dread Pirate Roberts(Princess Bride) and JewWario is David Bowie from Labyrinth. This uses all of them some, no one is "forgotten", and it plays to their strengths. A lot is gained from the interpersonal dynamics of these characters and the roles they take on. Finally, the team get into arcs! There is nice use of Mati of Captain Planet, whom none of the others like, and it builds up to its well-earned epic climax. The battles are awesome, and get increasingly grand in scope. Choreography, execution and FX are very well-done. This treats the theme of science vs. magic, and both are treated with respect(whilst they also have fun with it... similar to Charmed), and this has some of both, rational explanations and superstition. Backstory and plot are interesting, thought out well, surprising and add up well. This is paced well, the roughly two hours fly by. It has very different kinds of comedy in it, with clever, silly, wordplay, parody and pop culture references. There is some disturbing, violent and/or sexual content in this. I recommend this to every fan of the TGWTG crew, and no one else. 8/10
... View MoreWell, I'm not even entirely sure what I expected, but this was not it. Considering the fact that all these reviewers pretty much had a huge 'elements of a bad movie' list in the back of their minds and they totally blew it (by cinema standards), I was a little disappointed. I do like the references they make, though they do kinda over do it at times. This is definitely more of a cult following movie, and realistically, I wanted to like it. But somehow, it dragged on. I was disappointed, and that sums it up well. I guess if you like internet reviewers/gamers (and I certainly do) you can get into this, and there's no problem with it either. But for me, this is kinda a letdown.
... View MoreThis isn't for everyone. You won't find it funny if you don't usually watch content from TGWTG. In fact, unless you know a lot of the in jokes from all of the reviewers, it won't be nearly as enjoyable. Basically, if you don't watch material really often, it won't be enjoyable. It got silly gags. Obviously. Were people expecting anything else? I wasn't expecting a rom-com. I was expecting a funny silly comedy. The people behind this were catering to their audience, which for the most part is 18 or younger movie fanatics. And people claiming that they don't know how to make a movie considering they bash on movies for a living is ridiculous. For one thing, they've never claimed they CAN make a movie. I pretty sure only a few of the reviewers on this site went into any sort of film study in school. And I couldn't tell you who that is, or how long they were studying. Plus, I have a feeling the script was somewhat of a group effort. I bet everyone put their two cents in, not just the credited script writers. Another thing, it doesn't have a big budget. So no, there aren't top of the line effects and award winning acting. IT's cheesy. Yes. It's basically just friends goofing off. And if you're a big fan of these reviewers like me, you'll enjoy it.
... View MoreThe TGTW...TWGTG...Team Whatever guys seem to have enjoyed their little Kickassia stint and have come up with yet Internet movie? LARP video? I have no idea how to call this, except maybe a fanw**k vid.In Suburban Knights, Doug Walker reveals his love for playing dress-up as he and his minions embark on a quest to find a magical item (hint: it's the Powerglove, duh). The quest sadly requires the main cast to put ridiculous costumes on and go prancing around suburban back-yards and woods pretending to be a bunch of fantasy heroes. From then on comes a deluge of terrible acting, terrible jokes and terrible gimmicks of the same breed as those that plagued Kickassia. It comes as no surprise that Suburban Knights quickly begins to look like a clown car stuffed with TGTW's contributors regardless of their actual usefulness (or acting talent). Then again, what did I expect? They're reviewers, they're supposed to review stuff, not star in their own "movies" or whatever that thing's supposed to be. There is also nothing more depressing than seeing Benett "The Sage" "acting" out his part with the same skill as a rotting vegetable, all while he's wearing an ugly brown thing that looks like a Lion King costume got dynamite stuffed into it. What lurks in the cellar must stay in the cellar.
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