Stupid Teenagers Must Die
Stupid Teenagers Must Die
| 14 October 2006 (USA)
Stupid Teenagers Must Die Trailers

It's the 1980's and a group of typical horror movie high school kids are getting together to hold a séance in a haunted house. Naturally, people start dying preposterously bloody deaths, girls are getting naked for no apparent reason and people walk into pitch black rooms and say things like "Is someone in here?" Will any of these poor, hapless kids survive? Or will their bodies fill the house with blood and...well, you know!


I wasn't expecting too much from this film when I watched it on Netflix. I think you have to have an appreciation for independent horror films to like this movie. The story was fairly typical a group of teenager get together for some debauchery in an old house then are killed off one by one. Very typical and classic formula, but it works. The soundtrack was good as well, I ended up downloading 7k album. The movie is shot in that low budget 80's way that makes it a little grainy/ hazy. The ending was great; it made me laugh, especially the little girl. I don't know if this movie is still available on netflix, but I feel it is very much worth your time to watch this. It is a little cheesy but the good kind of cheesy.

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After seeing Christina DeRosa in Run! Bitch! Run!, I just had to see more. This was her first film with a credited role, and I would expect it be on the same level.Now, this is a B movie, low budget horror movie that pokes fun of other slasher flicks. Don't expect great acting, fabulous sets, or anything but blood, zombies, and gratuitous nudity, and you won't be disappointed.Nothing special.Mindless entertainment.Easily forgettable.

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I have no idea how anyone can give this movie high marks. I didn't rent it thinking it was the next great horror flick, the next great horror spoof, or the next great low-budget horror spoof. Obviously, this isn't meant to scare, but one fatal flaw with the production entirely sapped the joy out of the viewing experience. The sound editing was horrible. I had to work the volume control the entire movie. You can imagine how difficult it is to get into something - even a low-budget spoof - when you're either turning the volume up or down, or trying to anticipate the next time you have to do so. The regular dialogue is very low, and all screams, noises, etc., are VERY loud. We're not talking about toggling between 5 and 7 on the volume control, finding a happy medium at 6. We're talking toggling between 2 and 9 on the volume where it is virtually impossible to leave the volume alone. Again, this movie might be a decent example of what it is meant to be, but you're going to be spending so much time adjusting your volume control that you'll never have the chance to enjoy it.

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STMD! is one of the most fun and enjoyable low-budget films I've seen in quite some time. Director Jeff Smith (who also served as co-writer, cinematographer and editor) definitely shows his love of under-appreciated 80's horror films with this movie! Anyone who loves the cheesiness, preposterous situations, wacky and stereotypical characters of 80's horror movies will definitely love this very tongue-in-cheek homage to the past.STMD! definitely lives up to the qualities described in the poster and then some. It has all the "excessive violence" and "gratuitous nudity" that is reminiscent of those entertaining 80's horror movies we all love. I had a blast watching STMD! From the 80's outfits that the stereotypical characters wear to the blood splatter to the goofy tone I just couldn't get enough!

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