Strictly Sexual
Strictly Sexual
R | 02 December 2008 (USA)
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Two successful women, sick and tired of dating and relationships, decide to keep two young men in their pool house for strictly sexual purposes.


This flick starts out like it's going to be soft-porn'ish goofball comedy. But it morphs into something of a softer story (with harsh dialogue) with a number of insights - agree or disagree - that resonate. It's an immorality play on stereotypes, but fun throughout. Good acting for such a pretty principal cast. Like an Amy Heckerling teen sex flick, it all winds-up kind of sweet without a neatly tied-up-in-a-bow ending. Language & situations are what rates this an "R." The male duet is compelling with buddy film overtones. The attractive female cast goes on voyages of different female discovery. The goofy but fun gumbo tends to work.

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bob the moo

Thanks again to the IMDb community, since this film came to me via a fellow reviewer in the US – currently on this site it has no UK release date so I suspect I may never have seen it otherwise. However this is not thanks for the quality of the film – only of the gesture. Strictly Sexual has a provocative title and a plot that matches it. It starts with a rather abrupt "future" scene before flashing back to the origins of the story. At this point it has a fun fizz to it that carries you along despite the sheer unlikeliness of the narrative – the gloss and the rather contained nature of it makes it quite engaging.The problems with it come once this early fizz has settled down a little bit. At stage the film starts to become more of a dramatic affair with the playing out of the drama that inherently comes with any "casual" relationship. In itself this is engaging enough but it never totally rings true and I always felt like I was watching a film with actors in it – it never sucked me into these relationships or gave me things that I could see were real. I have to put this at the door of the script because it is here where this problem comes from. Ultimately it comes down to being a romantic drama but when it is doing the "drama" part, it distracts but never moves.I don't put this on the cast though because they do as well as they can with the material. The women are the stronger but this may be because they have the dominant characters. Benson does a good job with her character, allowing her to be difficult to understand and a bit conflicted in her signals but yet also keeps her open to the viewer. Kerr has to carry the romance side of the drama and she does this with beauty, lightness and a delicate performance that isn't brilliant but is just what the film needs. I found Long a little heavy in the role and I confess that I though he would have been better handing off to someone else and stick as writer. He is OK though and he works well with Urb, who is a bit too much of a pretty boy but works well with Kerr. The film contains the action really well and the tight focus on these 4 in a handful of locations gives the film a really good feel of watching an intimate play – shame that the material doesn't get as impacting or meaningful as this proximity deserves.Strictly Sexual is an OK film but it is not as amazing as some here would suggest. The intimate delivery and sexual fizz of the material doesn't transition well when it gets more serious and, when it should suck the viewer in, it only really retains the superficial air that it started with. This is a shame because, while the film feels like it should be better, it ultimately doesn't have the reality and substance that I found myself wanting.

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Thomas Bengtsson

It's a lovely piece of drama, with less sex scenes than one might anticipate. Strictly Sexual is rather more of a drama, with situations and scenes that are well written and thoroughly funny. But the movie does have it's flaws. Some scenes (you'll see them) are just terrible, and, in my opinion, the entire movie needs some serious editing.But all that doesn't stop Strictly Sexual from being great. All it does is just give a snapshot of two lives, two lives that intertwine with them and give a rather long explanation of them. The movie starts with a masturbation scene by Donna, then quickly gives a documentary-like interview of the two lovers, Donna and Stanny. Then we see a fight between them and a narration by Joe, who asks how a couple can end up like that, and then brings us, the viewers, back to the beginning, before all of what we have just seen happened. This is where we see the two successful girls, Christi Ann and Donna going to a hotel lounge to buy sex from gigolos that frequent that particular lounge. Joe and Stanny just happen to sit at the bar, and the two girls think they are gigolos and later on invites them to their house. Oh, the drama that follows.A one of a kind movie that exceeded my expectations. It's simply a movie some might enjoy, possibly through ignoring some of the missteps it makes, and sees the whole pictures and the situations. Recommended for late night watching with a special someone.

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I was lucky enough to see an advance screening of this film earlier in the year and it absolutely rocks. It's an edgy, hilarious, ultimately charming romantic comedy. The script, direction and ensemble cast are terrific. Amber Benson delivers what might be the most nuanced performance of her career. Newcomer (and screenwriter) Stevie Long steals scenes in a performance on par with Jon Favreau in Swingers. The structure of the film is reminiscent of Woody Allen's work, particularly Annie Hall and Manhattan, but with a hip, updated feel. The film has been a huge hit in Europe and I hope that carries over in the U.S. Highly recommended! Jason Starr, author of THE FOLLOWER and TWISTED CITY.

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