I saw this in the original German, and felt quite embarrassed for the actors, such as Ochsenknecht and Nemec, with distinguished careers in "Tatort". The continuity was idiotic: scenery and peoples from all over South Africa thrown together, eg Zulus speaking afrikaans in Kimberley, lush vegetation in the desert, the Fish River near Kimberley, Gauteng numberplates on a Northern Cape 4x4..........A tribe with rich diamond fields does not defend it with assegais, nor would any such rich mineral source be left untouched for almost a century despite the apparent story of a German officer (haha, in Kimberley!!)Don't directors ever think their viewers may consult a map? This film is like George W.Bush meets McKenna's Gold, once seen , but neither to be heard of again.I also never cease to be amazed at all the neo-German crap that emanates from South Africa, one would think the subsidy outweighs the production money spent, and at least the weather was nice.
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