Steel Dawn
Steel Dawn
R | 06 November 1987 (USA)
Steel Dawn Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic world, a warrior wandering through the desert comes upon a group of settlers who are being menaced by a murderous gang that is after the water they control.


Why is so much made about Patrick Swazey He is a very good actor. In Steel Dawn he was very good in defending the rights of innocent people. In Red Dawn not only did he save his town but a nation. In Dirty Dancing he eliminated stereo types and prejudice. So what more more can be asked of a professional actor. Like most actors of his ilk he researches his role and setting of the movie. Steel Dawn is about passion, fighting against tyranny, overcoming prejudice and gaining trust. Swazey clearly shows that the type of fighting displayed in this movie and dancing are closely related. As a result playing the role of the Nomad was a natural.

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A fantastic stand out movie in my opinion, I still remember that it has one of the best lines ever uttered in film - "you don't think very much of me do you? You flatter yourself, I think nothing of you." Class. Simple premise, simple story line, simple acting but some great actors involved - the English actor who plays the main bad guy is particularly good and the whole thing works well. Brion James from Blade runner (or Tango and Cash/ Red Heat - whatever takes your fancy) makes an appearance and Patrick Swayze's wife is the love interest which I never knew, thank you wikipedia. Overall a fun guy's film that doesn't go overboard on the whole look within yourself and make a change philosophy so just sit back enjoy.

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Recap: In a barren post-apocalyptic world a few struggling farmers try to make ends meet. Water is scarce and any vegetation absent. In this world the lone Nomad wanders, armed with his sword, fighting sand raiders and meeting up with friends in the rare taverns around. When a friend, just named peacemaker in an isolated village, get murdered by an assassin hired by the local rich rancher, Nomad walks to the village and takes a job on one of the farms. Soon he finds himself in trouble leading to an inevitable showdown with the assassin.Comments: A classic sci-fi action made out of the eighties. It is a poor post-apocalyptic world and that not only means that the costumes can be crude but that any special effects will be rare. Combined with that the population is way down you have the perfect mix for a low budget, small cast sci-fi action. Throw in a sword and some odd vehicles and you're clearly set in the future (ironic about the sword, isn't it?). There are some OK swordfights and a few good fistfights, augmented by some too emphasized sound effects, and a thin story that gives enough material and motivation to work with between the fights. But there isn't much more. Ironically this is also a typical recipe for a cult movie, even though Steel Dawn hasn't seem to garner that acclaim. Husband and wife Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi stars in this movie, and does it well considering the story they have to work with. A little extra trivia with Brion James and a young Arnold Vosloo also appearing in the cast.But finally this is movie is only for two different groups of people, those who are either fan of the genre, the post-apocalyptic science-fiction movie, or fan of Patrick Swayze. If you don't consider yourself belonging to one of those groups I doubt that you will find Steel Dawn to your liking. To me it was OK, but there have been much better movies in the same kind made, both before and after.5/10

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Mikael Johansson

After reading the story i know what to expect from the movie (not much) so with that in mind it was quite alright. Some laughs over the stereotyped action-movie scenes. Most of the story wasn't so hard to figure out.

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