| 04 May 1973 (USA)
Steambath Trailers

Tandy, Merideth and assorted others unexpectedly wake up in a steambath with no easy exit. After spending some time there, it becomes clear that the steambath is a sort of Afterlife, where indifferent souls come to tell their stories to God who happens to be the attendant picking up the towels.


I saw this a long time ago and never forgot it. I think it was some sort of take off of Jean Paul Satrtes "No Exit"....But won't spoil it for you, watch the play, folks. The acting, the script, the characterizations, all were excellent. My personal favorite was "Jesus". Very funny, not for the religiously rigid, I must say!!!Bruce Jay Friedman was the author, this was his second play, and very intelligently written. Wish all comedies were so. Great thinking on a touchy subject, it is not to be missed by the mystically flexible. And really fun to watch. I am going to make it a part of my collection, been telling people about it for years.

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I saw this movie/show late night on television when i was perhaps 13-15 years old (1973-1975) and while i cannot actually say whether i enjoyed it or not...i was flabberghasted when right there on my television (no HBO or Cinemax, mind you) Valerie Perrine took off her towel and her breasts were right there staring me in the face! I was absolutely shocked (in a good way, of course) to see nudity on television, albeit, late at night, but still on cable TV! Wish i could say more about the plot, but you can rest assured that 30 years later at least THAT part I can remember clearly!! :) I did watch the whole thing, so it must have held my interest...or perhaps i was just hoping to see the rest of her.(Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl? Pfft!)

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When I happened to tune into KQED in San Francisco in 1972, I was blown away by this truly outstanding program. I've never seen such a successful combination of mystery, comedy and tragedy presented in any medium or in any production. That show alone made me a life-long supporter of PBS television. I was fortunate to have seen it a couple times in the mid 1770's as it was occasionally shown during subscriber drives while I was living in Milwaukee. I have never seen any trace of it since. Believe me, I've tried.

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This is an incredible movie. PBS needs to pull this one out of the archives and release this on DVD/VHS just as they have done with "The Lathe of Heaven", another wonderful picture. If anyone knows where this film can be purchased, please let me know.

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