Star Quest: The Odyssey
Star Quest: The Odyssey
| 03 November 2009 (USA)
Star Quest: The Odyssey Trailers

At the end of mankind's greatest battle, empires will crumble, alliances will form, enemies will rise and heroes will fall. World's will end, and a new journey will begin.


I agree with all the comments so far, especially the bit about the captain talking into the sleeve of his shirt as if it was a communicator. But here's my question: How bad of an actor do you have to be when it even looks fake when all you're doing is walking down a passageway? I can see doing a poor job pretending to fight (and believe me, these guys do a poor job) or showing emotions that you are not feeling, but walking down the hall or across a room? How hard is that. Normally, I reserve my Redbox videos online and only do so after checking with IMDb. Sadly, I didn't do so this time. So, instead of an hour or so of entertainment, I had to do the dishes and laundry.

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I don't know if I should be angry with the producers so much as I am Redbox. It seems more of the budget was allocated to the cover than to the actual film. I had never seen or heard of this movie, and was simply hungry for a good scifi. I've seen some rather low budget films on Redbox before, but never quite this low. The rental should have been knocked down to at least 25%. Unfortunately, I'll probably fall victim to the same rouse again. The movie itself is not too terrible for such a low budget film, but it is pretty annoying when you're not expecting it. I guess it's the marketing that pisses me off. It wouldn't surprise me if this film will make more money off of unsuspecting customers than anything else.

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I usually don't mind spending a dollar at a "video rental box" on titles that will likely not be very good, because hey.. it's a dollar. With this title one, however, I officially want my dollar back. Idiotic dialog. Awkward plot devices. Bad sets. Bad costumes. Bad choreography. Laughable effects. Horrific acting. In fact, the only redeeming quality is the occasional B-movie style sexual innuendo. Unfortunately, it is accompanied by a complete lack of anything even remotely sexy. They even found a way to make the requisite "scantily-clad woman" scene boring and unappealing. Spoilers are impossible with this heap.. there's nothing to spoil! Give this stinker a wide berth.

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Michael Neddo

Well, normally I am one to sit through a movie, even a really bad one, especially if it was my money that rented/paid for it. That being said, I must add this movie to the handful I just could not finish.ACTION When a movie starts out with a hand to hand fighting scene and the fake blow misses by over 6 inches yet the other actor reacts as if hit, I know I am in for a real treat!PROPS Second, if the nemesis in the movie looks like an overweight farmer equipped with two walking casts, a black leotard, and castoff electronics randomly attached to make him appear like a cyborg... ummm... not good. I understand there are budget constraints, but this makes the Star Trek of the 60's look like the Star Trek of today in terms of set design!As far as plot, I cannot tell you since I didn't watch it to the end. The final stroke that ended it for me was when one of the cyborgs attached to his apparent "charging" station removed a mass of cut wires from behind his chest electronics to "disconnect" himself. Anyone who has ever looked into a phone junction box and seen all the fine, multicolored wires in there will recognize the prop. No fancy connections, just a big tangled mass of cut wires, sad.In short, skip this. It does not even have redeeming qualities as a campy comedy.

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