| 19 February 2016 (USA)
Spaghettiman Trailers

Clark doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about the world. He barely cares about himself. But after an incident with an old bowl of spaghetti and a malfunctioning microwave, he becomes a superhero that can fight crime with the power of spaghetti. However, you have to pay him.


You know it was always my dream to become a writer and director when I was a kid. As I grew up I slowly learned that my talent wasn't in making movies but rather, reviewing them. whenever a student film pops up I take the time to watch it and while I might be hard on large franchises I have a soft spot in my heart for student films. I know the struggle that many go through in order to get their ideas out there and become known in the movie industry; and you know it's hard being the little fish in a sea full of sharks that's why small creators have to pull out their A game when they make movies. For this movie I am proud to say that they hit a lot points spot on. Some of my major issues were the cinematography and the fact that some of the comedy was flatter then my wife's ass, but all other points were spot on. The beginning of this film is where the directors talents shine but near the end it begins to fall of hard which was disappointing to me as I was really getting into the story and the characters they had. I it feel would be a disservice to the director if I didn't mention is the excellent use of practical graphics. Most movies you watch today and ask yourself why something looks so awful is because usually it is practical effects. As movies became more and more CGI many practical graphics began to look out of place compared to the perfectly computer generated counter part. In Spaghettiman this doesn't happen because the director realizes that you can't combine CGI and practical graphics, and for that I applaud him. Overall if you want an excellent film which major companies like Marvel and Disney can learn from watch the beginning of this hilarious super hero film.

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Michael Ledo

Clark Kant (Ben Crutcher) is a lazy hippie living with Dale (Winston Carter) an ambitious obese desk cop. Following a microwave spaghetti accident, Clark gets "superpowers" being able to shoot spaghetti out of his hands like Spiderman. Armed with all the power and might of a wet noodle, Clark dons a paper bag and saves people from bad guys, asking for money from the victims. He gets leads from Craig's List and works with a camera man.The film started out funny, but wore on. The spaghetti fighting was fun, but couldn't carry the film. The bag gag got old too. The twins song was funny. The last half needed work.Guide: No sex or nudity. Don't recall any swearing.

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I can't describe the level at which this film made my strangest fantasies come true. A bearded slacker, Ninjas, and Pasta - definitely not your Plain Jane super hero flick. Don't let the independent status fool you. For an indie film made with next-to no budget, the story line was stellar. The practical effects were done well, not corny. The comedy kept me laughing the whole way through, and didn't feel like an open mic night. Plus, the soundtrack was killer. You can see that a lot of heart was put into Spaghettiman. The bar was set very high with this one. Worth every second. I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for more Mark Potts films.

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"Spaghettiman" was a welcome relief tonight. All day, I watched films that turned out to be incredibly serious and incredibly depressing. What a wonderful change of pace to find a film as original, funny and deliberately stupid as this one! Because it's so stupid...and weird, it's my next installment in my "You ain't seen nothing' yet" series...films so odd, so unique and so demented that you just have to see them...or not. But I suggest you see this one.Clark (Ben Crutcher) is a complete loser. He is about the worst possible employee and loses job after job--including one as a pizza deliveryman because he was delivering pizzas half eaten! His one friend Dale (Winston Carter) puts up with this and even give him rent money...and you really have to feel sorry for poor Dale. One night, Clark falls asleep while a bowl of spaghetti is heating up in the microwave. When he awakens four days later, he finds that he has a new amazing super power...he can shoot spaghetti out of his hands! And, oddly, he also bleeds and urinates spaghetti. While it's not much of a super power, Clark's ambitions aren't all that lofty either. Instead of trying to rid the Earth of evil like a typical hero, Clark is pragmatic and when faced with evil, he expects the folks he saves to pay. Otherwise, he just minds his own business! After all, he sure ain't doing it for free! So, while wearing an old paper bag over his head as a disguise, he collects $40 here, $17 there and he's finally able to pay his rent. But when he meets a videographer, he realizes he is able to hit real paydirt and might even be able to save a few dollars! But Spaghettiman's dreams of financial solvency appear to be dashed when a motley crew of villains arrive to put an end of his reign of semi-goodness...and extortion!While no one would call this a great film, director Mark Potts as well as writers/actors Winston Carter and Ben Crutcher have created an utterly ridiculous winner. Sure, it's low budget, sure it's silly as well as a bit uneven. But, it's funny and made me smile...and I think it will make you smile provided you don't expect great production values or a plot that makes much sense! And, at the end of the film you learn that they are planning on making another Spaghettiman film! And who knows...if the film takes off and makes money...perhaps we'll see Stan Lee in a cameo in the sequel!!

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