Space Ninja: The Animated Movie
Space Ninja: The Animated Movie
| 24 October 2014 (USA)
Space Ninja: The Animated Movie Trailers

A cybernetic ninja must protect a feudal society of spaceship dwellers from a sadistic demon lord.


CYBORG ASSASSIN is a comic strip movie brought to the big screen, although it's actually condensed down from a TV series so it feels more than a little choppy. I was surprised by the basic quality of the animation, which simply isn't very animated and looks like your normal web series. The plot mixes the historical with the futuristic and sees the titular hero battling a demonic overlord. It's heavily influenced by Japanese anime, but nowhere near as good.

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John Lawrence

2014 comic strip film edited down from a 2011 TV comic strip series "Space Ninja". There is nothing new, same feudal culture and violence. The animation is relatively poor quality. Editing down the space opera quality (though not high) of the TV series reduces any pretense of "art" to comic stripped.

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