Space Cop
Space Cop
| 12 January 2016 (USA)
Space Cop Trailers

Space Cop is the story of a cop from the future of space who travels back in time to the present and is teamed up with a cop from the past who is unfrozen in the present. Together, they must defeat evil aliens with a sinister plan.


Folks should be aware that Red Letter Media's 'Space Cop' project is a compendium of inside jokes accumulated over almost a decade. Thus it is entertaining and satisfying to followers of the group (and their excellent reviews), but it will not stand on its own as a movie that outsiders would enjoy. Those complaining about the cost bemuse me, as it's not clear why they purchased a Blu-Ray of a film they knew nothing about -- but I'm sure Red Letter Media values the financial support (which can help them keep making their insightful reviews).

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I don't think this movie is anybody's idea of a classic, but if you're a fan of RedLetterMedia (like myself,) you can't go wrong! There were several laugh-out-loud moments, despite the fact that we weren't really treated to the angelic laughter of Mr. Rich Evans himself. The special effects were surprising well done considering the budget and intention of the film. All of your favorite hack/frauds are there, even Susan! Additionally, as a fan of supplementary materials, I found the behind the scenes stuff and commentary interesting. After viewing the movie, I was left with only one nagging question. Is Space Cop replacing Best of the Worst?

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This movie was so bad I had to make an account to tell you how bad this movie is.You know how you may figuratively say "That's the worst movie ever made?" This is LITERALLY the worst movie ever made. It's trying to be funny (it's not) and campy and just looks awful. When I was 10 I used to make these awful stop motion movies with Lego figures. That was better than this. The campiness completely fails, the acting completely fails. The writing is horrid. My 4 year old has grabbed my smart phone and made faces into the camera that were better movies than this.

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It's hard to qualify a movie like Space Cop. I don't think it can be fully appreciated if you don't know the Red Letter Media guys, and if you are not familiar with their shows "Best of the Worst" and "Half in the Bag". The movie is self-referential from start to finish, with lots of nods specially to "Best of the Worst" episodes from the opening credits to the ***SPOILER*** Len Kabasinski cameo and stunt doubling. The "Samurai Cop" references also had me in stitches!All in all, I wouldn't say the story kept me riveted, nor the gags had me rolling on the floor, but it was a very funny movie for me, as a fan of Rich Evans and Mike Stoklasa's overacting. It's like having your (talented) friends making a movie. You can see all the work and efforts that went into it (specially if you listen to the commentary track), you're already won to their brand of humor and the end result is very endearing.If you are not fans of Mike, Rich, Jay, Jack and all the gang, better skip it. You won't get the joke.

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